EPICH supporting wildlife
All EPICH's activites have wildlife in mind, improving the environment for birds and bugs as well as for residents of Hurworth.
The group marks annual events such as national nestbox week and national hedgehog awareness week and is working towards hedgehog friendly status for Hurworth, encouranging residents to log sightings on the big hedgehog map.
All the flowers and plants established by EPICH are pollinator friendly.
A seed swap is kept by EPICH volunteers at The Grange for residents to bring and take seeds for their gardens.
A large bug hotel is maintained by EPICH by the bird feeding station at The Grange.
There are many good plans to build bug hotels, hedgehog homes, and bird boxes on the internet. Here are a selection:
- RSPB bug hotel plans
- Hedgehog Preservation Society hedgehog home plans
- BTO nest box plans