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1976 SHOW

Well we did it! This was the first show that we got to wear our red scarves.

We upped the programme size to A4 so it might take a bit longer to download. As before the advert pages are below. You can download the main pages here.

For our rehearsals we were helped out by Myra Mesaritis. What a pianist she was. Hartley and Myra on the musical team. We were truly blessed.

The "smiliest" Scout featured on the front cover was Nigel Wood fron the 22nd .

We got our letter of confirmation about the red scarf soon after the last show. Here it is:-

And as a result we wore our red scarves with pride for the first time. I've still got mine as I'm sure a lot of other Gang members have too.

We got some great pre-show publicity from the Burton Observer and Chronical - dated April 15th 1976, which was a weekly paper published by the Burton Mail. It was back in the days of broadsheet and we got a two page spread. I've scanned the individual pictures and they appear below. The words are on a pdf file here.  If you want to see the original, it will be in the archives held at the Magic Attic in Swadlincote.

 Feeling like a singalong?  The song sheet is here and the finale recording is at the very bottom of the page.

So here are the pictures from the paper stating with an overview to set the scene.







It's the bottom of the page and that can only mean one thing!

Song sheets at the ready, click on the arrow, and away you go.....

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