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Small heath butterfly





Field Grasshopper. Chorthippus brunneus


17th July 2016: A few minutes watching a leaf cutter bee at work.



    Damselfly  Banded Demoiselle ,Male.


Mainly found along slow-flowing lowland streams and rivers, particulary those with muddy bottoms.

Status & Distribution

Common. Most of England (south of the Humber), Wales and Ireland.
Main flight period is early May to end August.


Caddis fly Limnephilus lunatus.Limnephilus lunatus is a common species and a typical case-bearing caddisfly. Like almost all Trichoptera, this species has an aquatic larva. The adults are moth-like and can be found in the vicinity of the waters, in which their larvae develop.

May bug or Cockchafer
May bug or Cockchafer
Melolontha melolontha.
Distribution: Europe, northern Asia, The Med basin and UK, more common in the south.Life cycle: Egg to adult 3-4 years, the adults emerge from the soil and fly towards trees where they gather and mate. fertilised females return from where the emerged and burrow into the soil to lay eggs on roots
Behaviour: Adults are active flyers at dusk onwards, they only live for a month, eaten by bats and owls
Habitat :adults deciduous woodland, grubs occur in nearby gardens, parks and pastures
Caddis fly
Caddis fly
Possibly Mystacides sp
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