Olave's diary for 1921 Index
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< October 1921 December 1921 >
November 1921
Our grateful thanks to Rosemary Healy for the transcription.
Tuesday 1 November 1921
Lettice to stay for one night & did about 40 letters for me.
Wednesday 2 November 1921
[Page left blank]
Thursday 3 November 1921
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Friday 4 November 1921
Robin to London for the day.
Poured with rain all day for first time this year.
Did letters, sewing, tidying up house etc. How heavenly this home is & how happy we all are.
Saturday 5 November 1921
Took babies to Farnham for dancing class. Did shopping & watched them for last part.
Quite delicious.
Miss Gammon (possible successor to nursie Hilda Austen when she leaves) came from Woking for an hour & tea. Liked her, & asked her to definitely consider coming.
Sunday 6 November 1921
Helen Whittaker to tea – such a lovely and enchanting person - to look at as well as to know, and a very good County Commissioner.
It is fun to see what fine people we have got as leaders in the counties now.
Monday 7 November 1921
Old Mrs Burkhard-Ashton, who now lives in Farnham & Pickie come for lunch to talk Scout migration with R.
Old B-A. managed the Scouts Hut in France & the Mercers Y.M.C.A. that I worked in at Calais during the winter of 1915-16 and is an ardent “Legion of Frontiersmen” leader.
Tuesday 8 November 1921 Ilkley
Run up early to office & see Miss Gibbs etc & then to the big “Ben Rhydding Hotel at Ilkley for North of England Commissioners Conf. organised by Alice Behrens.
Wednesday 9 November 1921 Conference continues
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Thursday 10 November 1921
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Friday 11 November 1921
Left Ilkley early for London.
[Pencil note] Miss Gibbs at H.Q. at 2.15
[Continues further down page in ink -]
Home with Robin.
Saturday 12 November 1921
Motored over with R. to Sheffield Park near Uckfield (Sussex) to stay with old Uncle Arthur Soames.
The gardens that he made for years are lovely but the house hideous – and all very rich and soul-less.
Sunday 13 November 1921
R. unveiled War Memorial at Fletching Village – more or less financed by Uncle Arthur who owns most of the land about here.
Motored home to Pax late.
Monday 14 November 1921
Nasty feverish chill, so stay in bed all day.
“Beckie” Manser to stay to talk Guides. She was kind to me years ago before I married & used to play tennis at the Parkstone Tennis Club & made me help with the I.C.A.A. [Invalid Children’s Aid Association] Boys Home there.
Tuesday 15 November 1921
Robin to London for the day & night.
Wednesday 16 November 1921
Babies to Harraps for tea party.
Thursday 17 November 1921
Robin & I to London
Guide H.Q. Committee.
See Miss Randall (from Bahamas) and Mrs Fleming who does Guides in S. Rhodesia.
Mrs Guggisberg (formerly Decima Moore the actress ) to lunch.
Return home and Alice Behrens to stay.
Friday 18 November 1921
R. to London for the day and night.
To Hindhead to see a possible Guide nursery maid, and engage her – Hazel by name – found for me by dear nice Nanette Bewley.
Saturday 19 November 1921
R. in London all day & evening presided at Camping Club Annual supper, getting home to Pax at midnight.
Sunday 20 November 1921
A sort of “Peace Parade” in Farnham and Robin and I go and inspect the Scouts & Guides in Castle Street.
Monday 21 November 1921
Went to London in the car and took Peter to try on and buy all his Dane Court School clothes.
Collect Yvonne [aged three] & her tiresome old nurse & all her luggage & get home to Pax for tea. Yvonne is a bit younger than our Betty, but is big for her age.
Tuesday 22 November 1921
Yvonne’s old nurse left & the child [aged three] cried a bit, but soon settled down.
Took all of them to Farnham & went round looking at houses for Aunt Ger, who thinks she would like to come away from London & live in the country. None of them would suit at all.
Wednesday 23 November 1921
The new nursery governess Mary Gammon [later referred to as "Gammy"] comes. Children all took to her at once.
Thursday 24 November 1921
Nursie (who we have had over 2 years) left to go to her home for a few weeks.
R. to London for his Scout County Commr's meeting. He was not a bit fit poor dear.
Aunt Ger [unmarried sister of Olave's mother] left.
Nursery tea. Such a big party & Yvonne [aged three] quite happy & good.
Friday 25 November 1921
Robin returned.
Mrs Griffiths, Bishop & Miss Chandler to tea. Several more ought to have come & didn’t.
Saturday 26 November 1921
Robin & I take Miss Gammon (Gammy) & our 3 children to the dancing class.
Yvonne shall go later on. She is “coming on” splendidly & beginning to join in with the others' games. Thick fog in afternoon.
Sunday 27 November 1921
Sent little Maisie black cocker spaniel off to be married[sic] yesterday to a nice cocker dog at Chertsey.
Monday 28 November 1921
[Written in pencil -]
Mrs Baldwin brings a guider from Devon to see me at 3.0.
Carpenters & Mr Power to stay, arr 4.27
Tuesday 29 November 1921
[Written in pencil -]
Carpenters & Mr Power leaves
Wednesday 30 November 1921
[Written in pencil -]
Robertson children to tea at 4.0