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During her long and devoted work for Guiding and Scouting, Lady Baden-Powell has travelled more than half a million miles.
She has been round the world five times, and has logged no fewer than six hundred and thirteen aircraft flights. She is probably the most travelled woman in the world.
Guides, Scouts, Brownies and Cub Scouts of every land have felt her warmth and her deep, personal interest in them. She is a lady of rare quality, and Guiding and Scouting owe her an un-repayable debt. Kipling’s words in his famous poem "If " are truly fulfilled in her, for she has "talked with crowds" and "walked with kings", yet kept "the common touch".
Girl Guide Annual 1970

Quick look at Olave’s travels
1889 Born at Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
1903 Visited Scotland for two months
1909 Visited Norwegian Fjords
1910 Visited French Riviera
1912 Cruise to the West Indies
1913 Gibraltar, Malta, Algeria, Italy
1914 Scotland
1915-16 France - serving in Army Recreation Hut
1918 France - visiting W.A.A.C.
1919 Tour in U.S.A. Cologne and Belgian battlefields
1920 First World Scout Jamboree, England
1921 India, Burma, Ceylon, Palestine, Egypt.
1922 France, Switzerland
1923 Canada, U.S.A.
1924 First World Camp, Foxlease, England. Denmark, Sweden
1926 U.S.A. for World Conference, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia
1927 South Africa, Sweden
1928 Hungary for World Conference. Austria, Germany, Wales
1929 Canary Is., Sierra Leone, Dakar, Tangier, Lisbon
1930 West Indies, Panama, Cuba, Bermuda, U.S.A. World Conference, Foxlease, England.
1931 New Zealand, Australia, South Africa
1932 Switzerland, Poland
1933 Malta, Italy, Gibraltar, European Northern Capitals
1934 Gibraltar, France, Malta, Algiers, Portugal
1935 Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Newfoundland, U.S.A., Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Zanzibar
1936 Northern and Southern Rhodesia, St. Helena, Sweden, France
1937 India, Malta, Holland, Kenya
1938 Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Kenya, South Africa, Switzerland
1939-40 Kenya
1941 Kenya, Tanganyika, Northern Rhodesia, Uganda, Belgian Congo
1942 South Africa
1943 England, Scotland, Wales, Ulster
1944 English Counties, Isle of Man
1945 France, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Liechtenstein
1946 Cuba, Mexico, West Indies, British Guiana, U.S.A., Canada, Newfoundland, France, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Holland, Eire
1947 France, Australia
1948 Australia, New Zealand, Panama, Curacao, U.S.A., Greece, Malta, Italy, France
1949 Wales, Scotland, Ulster, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya
1950 Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland (Malawi), Swaziland, Basutoland (Lesotho), South Africa, Belgian Congo, Nigeria, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Gambia
1951 Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados, Trinidad, Tobago, British Guiana, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Kitts, Bermuda, Bahamas, Haiti, Puerto Rico., Belgium for World Committee
1952 Lecture tour in U.S.A. (45 towns). Canada, Scotland, Norway, Switzerland
1953 France, Canada, U.S.A.
1954 U.S.A., Bermuda, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland
1955 Ulster, Isle of Man, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, U.S.A.
1956 U.S.A., Mexico, Scotland, Germany, Iceland, Switzerland, Malta, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Northern and Southern Rhodesia
1957 Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, England for Centenary and Jubilee celebrations, Ghana, Scotland, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia
1958 Papua, New Guinea, Fiji, Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, Ceylon. Switzerland, Belgium, North Wales
1959 Kenya, Scotland, Ulster, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, British Honduras, Mexico. U.S.A., Ireland
1960 Gibraltar, Portugal, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Switzerland, Nigeria, Lebanon, Pakistan
1961 India, East Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, Italy, Isle of Wight, Canada, U.S.A.
1962 U.S.A., Canada, Denmark, Holland, Iceland, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Wales. Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaya, Kenya
1963 Kenya, Thailand, Uganda, Tanganyika, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Denmark, Greece
1964 Israel, Trinidad & Tobago and Surinam
1965 Kenya
1966 India, Philippines
1967 Australia
1969 Australia, Finland, Belgium, Kenya, South Africa, USA, Denmark
1970 Diagnosed with diabetes, ordered to stop travelling!

An indispensable item on each Tour was a relevant address book.  These may be found here.



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