Fippenny Garden Club
About the Garden Club
We are a small, friendly club of 30 + people who meet (usually) on the second Monday of each month, at 7.30 p. m. in Okeford Fitzpaine Village Hall. Our meetings are always a very sociable occasion with tea and biscuits, a raffle and, of course, a speaker - see >here<.
Our speakers are chosen to give us varied, interesting talks on many subjects (not just gardening). In addition we have an annual trip to Castle Gardens, where we always have an entertaining time and use the discount vouchers we receive as members of the Club.
Our January AGM is combined with a sociable Cheese and Wine evening and we always have a dinner before Christmas.
Every July we have an Annual Show, which is open to anyone living in the village as well as Club members. This has become even more popular due to the allotments that are being cultivated in the village.
New members and visitors are always welcome. If you are interested you can just turn up at one of our regular meetings, or give us a ring if you want more information. Please ring -
Chairman. Ian Berry 860 656
Secretary. Barbara Knight 817 103
Annual subscription 2016 - £7.00.
Visitors – £1.50 per event
The Club's varied programme of speakers and events ensures that there is interest for everybody. The topics are not all about gardening - they will include wonderful photography presentations, the work done by the Somerset and Dorset Air Ambulance service, and lawn and plant related talks.
All events are at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Everybody is welcome.
Forthcoming meetings.
13th November at 7.30 pm. Annual Harvest Supper. Tickets available from Ian Berry at £6 (members) and £7 (non-members). Come along for a relaxed social evening with pleasant company and very good food.
11th December at 7.30 pm. "It's a grave business" - a mysterious talk by Rob Curtis. The content will not reflect the rather sinister title! All are welcome.
The 2020 programme will be published shortly.