Events 2021
The first MG Highland event was held on the centenary weekend in 2021. This is a write up which may end up in the MGCGB organ, the Gambalunga magazine.....
Moto Guzzi CGB - Highland Branch
Highland hosted an alt-Raduno at Resolis Memorial Hall on the Black Isle, 15 miles north of Inverness over the weekend of what should have been the Moto Guzzi factory centenary celebrations in Mandello on Sept 10/11/12th 2021.
Last year the prospect of international travel was non-existent however local travel was slightly more assured. A notion for a small alternative get together developed with plenty of flexibility to cancel at short notice should C19 make it untenable.
The concept was a no frills, back to basics gig, bring your own food and drink, no band, no bar, so no major hassle or outlay losses should it be cancelled. Numbers were kept low too, to minimise cross infection, allow simple management on the day, and inform folks of requirements and even possibly cancellation.
Keeping it low caused some doubts initially as uptake was slow from March however by the cut off date of end of July the breakeven point had been met and allowed the hall, field and portaloo booking to proceed plus provide some zuppa e pane on arrival. Originally planned for one night sufficient funds were taken in for two, all for the extortionate sum of £15. A final tally meant there was £7.99 left in the MG-H account too!
Pictures arrived of negative LFT tests in the lead up to Friday, which was arrival day and most folks arrived in the afternoon. Curry, soup and various other vital were consumed after which LARGE quantities of alcohol seemed to be taken. It was as if a switch had been thrown as people went from normality to noisy garrulousity in what appeared the blink of an eye. Possibility it was the first chance for folks to enjoy the company of friends since lock down has lifted, but the crucible of the hall seemed to cause it infect those who weren’t on familiar terms too and it amazed and absolutely delighted me.
The band, "Dogs Dinner", who had welcomed to chance to play (for free!) after 2 years of inactivity had a Friday rehearsal for the Saturday night gig.
Saturday unfortunately, dawned gloomy and damp, as seen through bleary eyes, however most headed off to tour the Black Isle or further afield mid morning. After supper the band entertained us showing no sign of a lack of practice and were enjoyed by all with some moderately silly dancing. Sunday was clean up and say bye byes, after a lightning quick weekend. As organiser I thoroughly enjoyed it and managed to chill even with severe lack of sleep!
Thanks to all for making the effort, folks came from far and wide; the long distance award went to Jennet. Mario, the Umarell, went to Jake Beatson and his Falcone as being the most gawped at machine.
Hopefully the weekend modestly provided an alternative to the disappointment of the Mandello del Lario scaled back celebrations. Something for some time in 2022 has been mentioned, but more of that anon…...
Gavin, Jennet and Jake - the awards ceremony. Pic by Ian Mackay.
The 100 years of Moto Guzzi have provided such a diverse set of machines.
The band and some attendees on the Saturday night.
Events 2022
See 2022 for a resume of events.