Miscellaneous includes 'talking heads' and other kinds of films that don't easily fit into the other categories... there are always some!
3 Magic Words Ref. 217 (synopsis) (preview)
2012 - The Odyssey Ref. 061 (synopsis) (preview)
Adaptation Ref. 389 (synopsis) (preview)
Age of E Ref. 057 (synopsis) no preview available
Art Mind: The Healing Power Of Sacred Art Ref. 044 (synopsis) (preview)
Astral City* Ref. 219 (synopsis) (preview)
Atanarjuat Ref. 387 (synopsis) (preview)
Awake In The Dream Ref. 250 (synopsis) (preview)
Being In Heaven Ref. 170 (synopsis) (preview)
Brand - A Second Coming Ref. 267 (synopsis) (preview)
Broad Horizons Ref. 046 (synopsis) no preview available
Baraka* Ref. 056 (synopsis) (preview)
Beyond Tolerance Ref. 339 (synopsis) no preview available
Closer Than Close Ref. 096 (synopsis) (preview)
Death Makes Life Possible Ref. 379 (synopsis) (preview)
Depth Of Fields Ref. 229 (synopsis) (preview)
Discover The Gift Ref. 318 (synopsis) (preview)
Dreams* Ref. 135 (synopsis) (preview)
Edge Of Dreaming Ref. 167 (synopsis) (preview)
European Spiritual Masters Ref. 208 (synopsis) (preview)
Finding Joe Ref. 220 (synopsis) (preview)
Francis And The Sultan - A Model For Peacemaking Ref. 247 (synopsis) (preview)
Griefwalker Ref. 305 (synopsis) (preview)
Happy Ref. 313 (synopsis) (preview)
I Am Ref. 198 (synopsis) (preview)
iGod Ref. 328 (synopsis) (preview)
Inner Worlds Outer Worlds Ref. 351 (synopsis) (preview)
In To Me See Ref. 153 (synopsis) no preview available
Kymatica Ref. 388 (synopsis) (preview)
Le Quattro Volte Ref. 201 (synopsis) (preview)
Letting Go Ref. 145 (synopsis) (preview)
Life Itself Ref. 385 (synopsis) (preview)
Living In Light Ref. 225 (synopsis) (preview)
Living Luminaries Ref. 012 (synopsis) (preview)
Love, Reality And The Time Of Transition Ref. 274 (synopsis) no preview available
Messengers Ref. 180 (synopsis) no preview available
Mystic Ball Ref. 060 (synopsis) (preview)
Mythic Journeys* Ref. 138 (synopsis) (preview)
Nightline: Spirituality And The Brain Ref. 065 (synopsis) no preview available
One Ref. 072 (synopsis) (preview)
One Peace At A Time* Ref. 182 (synopsis) (preview)
People v. The State Of Illusion Ref. 281 (synopsis) (preview)
Planetary Ref. 308 (synopsis) (preview)
Plot For Peace Ref. 287 (synopsis) (preview)
Quantum Communication Ref. 239 (synopsis) (preview)
Quantum Mind Of God Ref. 069 (synopsis) (preview)
Round Ireland With A Fridge Ref. 175 (synopsis) (preview)
Ruth Robins On Metapsychiatry Ref. 156 (synopsis) no preview available
Samsara Ref. 228 (synopsis) (preview)
Self To Soul Ref. 032 (synopsis) no preview available
Seven Songs For A Long Life Ref. 382 (synopsis) (preview)
Ship Of Theseus Ref. 363 (synopsis) (preview)
Something Unknown Is Doing We Don't Know What Ref. 141 (synopsis) (preview)
Soul Masters: Dr. Guo & Dr. Sha Ref. 082 (synopsis) (preview)
Spiritism Ref. 130 (synopsis) no preview available
Starblanket - A Spirit Journey Ref. 084 (synopsis) (preview)
Take It With You Ref.391 (synopsis) (preview)
Tears Of The Buddha Ref. 226 (synopsis) (preview)
The 8th Fire Ref. 089 (synopsis) (preview)
The 13th Day Ref. 209 (synopsis) (preview)
The Cosmic Giggle Ref. 227 (synopsis) (preview)
The Cure Is...? Ref. 329 (synopsis) (preview)
The God Delusion Debate Ref. 204 (synopsis) (preview)
The God Question Ref. 330 (synopsis) (preview)
The Human Experience* Ref. 181 (synopsis) (preview)
The Illuminated Chakras Ref. 203 (synopsis) (preview)
The Jew In The Lotus Ref. 158 (synopsis) (preview)
The Keeper Of The Keys Ref. 214 (synopsis) (preview)
The Living Matrix Ref. 117 (synopsis) (preview)
The Moses Code Ref. 083 (synopsis) (preview)
The Power Of Forgiveness Ref. 058 (synopsis) (preview)
The Power Of The Heart Ref. 340 (synopsis) (preview)
The Prophet Ref. 361 (synopsis) (preview)
The Red Turtle Ref. 322 (synopsis) (preview)
The Salt Of The Earth Ref. 380 (synopsis) (preview)
The Secret Ref. 003 (synopsis) (preview)
The Shadow Effect Ref. 110 (synopsis) (preview)
The Stoning Of Soraya M Ref. 288 (synopsis) (preview)
The Tao Of Quantum Physics Ref. 344 (synopsis) (preview)
The Way To Happiness (Ref. 296) (synopsis) (preview)
This Emotional Life (Ref. 393) (synopsis) (preview) New in 2019!
Thrive Ref. 221 (synopsis) (preview)
Through The Eastern Gate Ref. 059 (synopsis) (preview)
Transcending The Storm Ref. 359 (synopsis) no preview available
Try It On Everything Ref. 066 (synopsis) (preview)
Tuning In: Spirit Channelers In America Ref. 091 (synopsis) (preview)
Tuning In Two Ref. 185 (synopsis) (preview)
Wake Up Ref. 319 (synopsis) (preview)
Waking Life Ref. 001 (synopsis) (preview)
We Are All One Ref. 080 (synopsis) no preview available
What About Me? Ref. 222 (synopsis) (preview)
What Is New Thought? Ref. 260 (synopsis) (preview)
What The Bleep Do We Know Ref. 007 (synopsis) (preview)
Who's Driving The Dreambus? Ref. 173 (synopsis) (preview)
Women And Spirituality Ref. 076 (synopsis) no preview available
(NB Films marked with an asterisk are region-locked and will not generally play on UK DVD players. They require a region-free DVD player but may play on your computer.)