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Breast Aware

In view of the high number of incidences of breast cancer, it is important to be ‘breast aware’. This includes carrying out regular, self examination and when you reach the age group, it makes sense to go for your, 3 yearly Mammograms, when invited. All women aged 50- 70 are entitled to a free breast screening. West London Breast Screening Service, are piloting an extended range, 47- 49 or 71-73. I attended in May 2012 as part of this Pilot. This is my third mammogram. Several years ago, I also went to my GP’s practice and saw a female GP who showed me how to do my own self examination, properly.

Breast Cancer.
Any death in a family is tragic but when a mother dies of breast cancer, this is particularly hard for the family, particularly when there are young children. Children need their mothers. By instinct, women are the carers and breast cancer research is so important as is regular inspections and early treatment; being Breast Aware.


Breast are so important to women, I cannot imagine the horror of losing my breasts. As Transsexuals, we are lucky because of the risk of breast cancer is thought to be lower for us than that of natal women, but higher than that of men, though no proper statistics have been collected and it is possible that any instances would have been included in the female statistics. It is still important to regularly inspect your breasts and when invited for a mammogram, is prudent to go. It does not take long and only a little uncomfortable.

I have been very lucky, no one really close to me, in my family, has had breast cancer but I have two Daughters and two Grand Daughters and that does worry me.
Incidences: Each year in the UK about:
41,000 new cases and about 13,000 of those patients die.
The commonest single cause of death among women aged 35-54. 25% of these will be pre-menopausal. Many will be Mothers, or want to and be of child bearing age.
1 in 9 women in the UK will develop the disease.

Breast Augmentation

Apparently the secret behind how a good surgeon does breast augmentation is that he chooses an implant that will give good enhancement but can be hidden by the breast tissue.


My surgeon was able to give me 450cc Euro Silicone, cohesive gel implants that took me from a 40A/B, up to a 40C/D. A couple of years later, I had lost a couple of stone but with the continuing action of my oestrogen/ progesterone I had grown to a 38F cup.

They are quite large but soft and on my 5' 3", 140 odd pound frame look very natural and not out of proportion. I believe that they do add to my ability to pass 100%.
Mind you, men do tend to talk to my boobs.


But nice breasts are so important to women. They are one sign of our sexuality and attraction to men and we do want to be attractive to men don't we?


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