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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/09/2011.

New Experiences

15th April 2010

Elestial Quartz

Hi all,

Happy new year to you and yours! I'm sorry I haven't commented for a long time. I have been busy with self-healing and trying to ready myself to get back to work! Epilepsy is a lot more involved than I realised!

The experience I wanted to mention is my new experience with Elestial Quartz. I have always been fascinated with bubbles of air and water being found inside Quartz, but I have now developed a new respect and understanding for them. I recently purchased a Smoky Quartz Elestial from Littlington Crystal Store, Polegate. It was only when I got it home that I realised it had 2 bubbles of water inside. Having worked with it since, the fits I have been having and the other symptoms, such as the memory loss, I have been experiencing, have improved immensely. I had gotten quite ill again and had been having a lot of fits and absences, but the elestial seems to have relieved these for a while.

I believe that with the medication and the complement of crystals, epilepsy will stop being a problem for me soon.

(Although I do have a new discussion regarding epilepsy that I would like to post soon, which could explain why I have developed epilepsy)

Morgarian and Ruan from the Littlington Crystal Shop both had interesting points to place regarding epilepsy. Morgarian also mentioned the elestials, and the fact that he checks all the elestials, crystals for bubbles before he places them on the shelves, but he had not noticed the bubbles in the one I had bought. He finds it interesting that not everyone sees the bubbles at first, they seem to appear for the people who need them. I have to say I agree with him.

23rd December 2009


I have been working with this stone to help improve my head/brain issues mentioned previously. It has made me feel extremely clean and refreshed. It feels like a very pure stone whice cleanses the deepest of dirt and negative energies. A real 'uplifter', it seems to be able to raise me to a new, purer, freer, cleaner level.

My principal, who kindly sent me lots of new crystals to work with, informed me that all healers should be working with this stone to ready us for 2012. This would make sense with the experiences and feeling I have gained from working with it. Hopefully this is a stone which can help raise our consciousness and in turn rise our world's consciousness.

Although - I should mention that this stone is a bit of a questionable stone for some. Some believe that it is 'just clear quartz' (although Clear Quartz is a beautiful, pure stone anyway, so how that can be a negative, I have no idea). Othersbelieve that, yes, it is clear quartz, but, it is a purer, more advanced, cleaner clear quartz, hence the hefty price tag on some pieces.

Try some out for yourself - if you do, please send me a message or sign my guestbook to let me know how it went.

Best wishes with fairy sparkles!!

Emma x



27th October 2009


Apologies for not writing for so long. I have had an extremely busy few months and have been having health problems - seizures and may have epilepsy/brain tumor.

I have been working with crystals a lot and have noted on my Featured Crystals page one crystal in particular that has been useful for my symptoms.

I have also recently acquired some newly found crystals that I am working with, most notably Hackmanite. I will update this blog and the crystal properties page when I feel I have worked with them enough to comment on their uses.

Another interesting experience I have been having lately is the presence of Archangel Gabriel during crystal healing sessions I have been completing. In fact, for those of you who like strange little 'coincidences'. I am sat here in bed (because i'm signed off work and am lazy!) and about an hour ago i found a tiny piece of magazine cutting (my partner is an artist and has been creating some beautiful collage work and so my lounge is covered in magazine cuttings). This piece of magazine cutting is 2 cm long and 5 ml wide and has a name on it - 'Gabriel'. Ha! Confirmation! 

Anyway, I'm going to leave you now and promise to write more often!

Love and fairy sparkles

Emma x


7th July 2009

I received a telephone call today from Ani Vivienne at the Buddha Maitreya, Church of Shambhala. She called to inform me that they would be happy for me to have and sell their beautiful healing and meditation tools. I was quite overwhelmed and completely honoured at their acceptance of me.

My thought are now entirely on the Etheric Weavers ™ that I have ordered from them. I cannot wait to work with them and to provide them to other wonderful people.

A wonderful, worthwhile organisation, with such lovely people. Please go to or for further details.

Thank you Ani Vivienne, it was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to joining you in Glastonbury. x


June 2009

I have recently had an amazing experience. I left England for Canada on 3rd June, not realising what a change the trip would create in me or the amazing people i would meet along the way. After seeing Vancouver and vancouver Islandn I went on to America. My friend and I travelled through Washington state, Oregon state and California. We spent 4 days in Shsta County, spending 3 of those at Mount Shasta, Archangel Gabriel's etheric retreat. I will update this page to include the stories of all the people I met and the situations I experienced.


15th May 2009

 I have had many new experiences which to my fault I have not updated the website with. Bad Emma!

A notable moment i felt i should mention was the support i gained from Angelite in a situation i felt quite vulnerable and unsure about. I received guidance, nurture and protection.It was wonderful. I have added Angelite to my Featured Crystals list


13th September 2008

I had a fantastic, clear, accurate, down to earth, tarot reading today from a lovely lady in Shoreham-by-Sea. Highly recommended as this is a woman who knows what she's talking about, is kind and has some beautiful crystals who are obviously very happy living with her.

Have a look at her website -

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