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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/09/2011.


Archangel Michael

Helps with and promotes protection, strength and courage.

Archangel Michael gives the Blue ray of protection and governs the throat chakra.

His etheric retreat is in Banff, Canada, near Lake Louise.

Feminine partner (Archeia)- Faith - They work together. Michael's male energy is the power. The female energy nurtures and sustains the power.

Archangel Gabriel

Helps with and promotes harmony, understanding, clarity and purity.

Archangel Gabriel gives the white ray of purification and governs the base chakra.

His etheric retreat is in Mount Shasta, California.

Archangel Gabriel's Archeia is Hope. Hope embraces the purity and love. She helps with childbirth and bringing in the new.

Archangel Raphael

Helps with and promotes healers, healing, vision, balance and truth.

Archangel Raphael gives the green ray of healing and governs the third eye chakra.

His etheric retreat is in Fatima, Portugal.

Archangel Raphael's Archeia is Mary - compassion and grace.

Archangel Uriel

Helps with and promotes peace and serenity. Pours light on troubled situations and inspires selflessness.

Gives the ruby ray - mix of gold and purple - gold - divine wisdom, purple - energy of spiritual service. Governs the solar plexus chakra.

His etheric retreat is in the Tatra Mountains, Poland.

Archangel Uriel's Archeia is Aurora. Aurora inspires the yin qualities of devoted service and mercy.

Archangel Chamuel

Helps with and promotes unconditional love, oneness, understanding and compassion.

Gives the pink ray of unconditional love and oneness. Governs the Heart chakra.

His etheric retreat is in St Louis, Missouri, USA.

Archangel Chamuel's Archeia is Charity. Charity radiates pure love and compassion.

Archangel Jophiel

Helps with and promotes wisdom and knowledge. Helps us see and maintain beauty in life.

Gives the golden ray of wisdom and mental understanding. Governs the crown chakra.

His etheric retreat is in China, near Lanchow.

Archangel Jophiel's Archeia is Christine. Christine brings forward intuition and divine inner knowing. Jophiel illuminates the mental understanding of this.

Archangel Zadkiel

Helps with and promotes freedom, release, forgiveness, tolerance and divine grace.

Gives the violet ray of purification and transmutation. Governs the soul star chakra.

His etheric retreat is in Cuba.

Archangel Zadkiel's Archeia is Amethyst. Amethyst is a symbolic representation of the violet ray which combines the white ray of faith and purity with the blue ray of high unconditional love.



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