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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/09/2011.


Crystal Properties

Feldspar, triclinic system, hardness - 6 - 6.5
Heart and Throat Chakra, Water
Key words: Truth, communication, harmony
Organic fossilised botanic resins, amorphous system, hardness - 2 - 2.5
Solar Plexus Chakra, Earth
Key words: Protection, light, warmth, healing, solar energies
Amelite/Amegreen (Amethyst & Priasolite)
Quartz Family, trigonal (hexagonal) system, hardness - 7
Heart and Crown Chakras, Etheric, Earth, Wind
Key words: Mind/Heart integration, spiritual connection, compassion, psychic ability
Amethyst (Quartz Family)
Quartz family, trigonal (hexagonal) system, hardness - 7
Third Eye, Crown Chakras, Etheric, Wind
Key words: Protection, purification, divine connection, release of addictions  
Ametrine (Amethyst and Citrine)
Quartz family, trigonal (hexagonal) system, hardness - 7
Heart and Crown Chakras, Wind, Fire
Key words: Mind/Heart integration, spiritual connection, compassion, psychic ability  
Aluminium silicate, Chiasolite = carbonaceous inclusions, rhombic system, hardness 7.5
Root, Third Eye Chakras, Storm
Key words: Cleansing, comforting, protective, retrieving ancient information 
Angelite (Blue Anhydrite)
Calcium sulphate, orthorhombic system, hardness 3.5
Throat, Third Eye, Crown Chakras, Wind
Key words: Mind/Heart integration, spiritual connection, compassion, psychic ability 
Apache Tears
Obsidian, volcanic rock, amorphous system, hardness - 5 - 5.5
Root, Sacral, Heart Chakras, Earth, Fire
Key words: Grounding, protection, physical experience, emotional cleansing 
Blue Apatite
Calcium phosphate, hexagonal system, hardness – 5
Throat, Third Eye Chakras, Wind
Key words: Psychic activation, access to knowledge  
Green Apatite
Calcium phosphate, hexagonal system, hardness - 5
Heart, Throat, Third Eye Chakras, Water, Earth
Key words: Heart knowledge, relaxation, revitalisation
Golden Apatite
Calcium phosphate, hexagonal system, hardness - 5
Solar Plexus Chakra, Fire
Key words: Creation, clarity, confidence, manifestation  
Apophylite (clear)
Hydrated potassium calcium silicate, tetragonal system, hardness - 5
Crown, third eye, wind, earth
Key words: Interdimensional awareness, white light, guidance
 Aquamarine (Beryl)
Beryllium aluminium silicate, hexagonal system, hardness – 7.5 - 8
Throat, heart, water
Key words: Cooling, soothing, enhancement of clear communication, RELEASE
Calcium carbonate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 3.5 - 4
All chakras, storm
Key words: Balancing energy fields, emotional healing, renewed strength and confidence
Potassium sodium iron manganese, triclinic system, hardness – 3.5
All chakras, storm
Key words: Self-knowledge, realisation of multidimensional self, self-acceptance, forgiveness, infusion of oneself with light
Aventurine (Green) (Fushcite in Quartz)
Quartz – silicon dioxide, crypto crystalline, trigonal (hexagonal) system, hardness – 7
Heart, water, earth
Key words: Vitality, growth, confidence
Azeztulite – another name for Quartz
Quartz, trigonal system, hardness - 7
All chakras, storm
Key words: Inner light, joy, serenity and alternate realities
The mineral world does not recognise this stone as a mineral in itself, as it is Quartz. They believe that some sellers are ripping people off by selling ‘normal’ quartz as Azeztulite at extremely high prices. Some people in the healing world believe this type of Quartz has different properties from the usual Quartz you find and believe that it has a faster energy – I found myself a very small piece for a very small amount and do think this little piece seems to have a little extra magic within it, but I do worry about people being ripped off and am not comfortable with crystals being ‘owned’ or charged extra for just because they’re given some fancy name. Quartz is beautiful, whatever name is given to it, whether it’s a £1 point or a £100 Azeztulite. The best thing to do with situations like this is, get yourself a small piece at a small rate and try it out – meditate with it and see if you feel any difference.
Click on the link to see the mineral world’s opinion!
Copper carbonate, monoclinic system, hardness – 3.5 - 4
Third eye, crown, wind
Key words: Insight, vision, intuition, intellect
Bloodstone (quartz and red jasper) (Heliotrope)
Opaque chalcedony, trigonal system, hardness – 6.5 - 7
Root, earth
Key words: Strength, courage, purification, vitality
Calcium carbonate, trigonal system, hardness – 3
Clear Calcite (Iceland Spar)
All chakras, fire, wind
Key words: Insight, clarity, manifestation, forgiveness  
Blue Calcite
Throat, third eye, fire air
Key words: Psychic ability, astral travel, soothing the emotional body   
Green Calcite
Heart, fire, water
Key words: Relaxation, emotional balance, release of stress and resentment, connection with the heart
Orange Calcite
Sacral, solar plexus, fire
Key words: Creativity, sexuality, playfulness, confidence, innovation, abuse 
Pink Calcite (Mangano Calcite)
Heart, fire
Key words: Well-being, wholeness, health, empathy, connection with the ‘mind of the heart’
Red Calcite
Root, fire, earth
Key words: Vitality, sensory awareness, clarity
Orange chalcedony, Quartz, trigonal system, hardness - 7
Root, sacral, solar plexus, fire
Key words: Courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, action
Hydrous calcium vanadium oxide silicate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 3 - 4
Third eye, crown, wind
Key words: Clairvoyance, clairaudience, access to akashic records, enhanced communication, consciousness expansion, psychic healing
Celestite (Celestine)
Strontium sulphate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 3 – 3.5
Third eye, crown, transpersonal, etheric, heart and throat, wind
Key words: Angelic communication, serenity, access to higher dimensions
Complex mineral – potassium sodium calcium barium strontium oxygen silicon hydrogen
Monoclinic system, hardness - 6
Third eye, crown, soul star, solar plexus, root, earth star, wind
Key words: Revealing of one’s path of service, purging of inner negativity, protection, healing
Hydrous copper silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 2 - 4
Throat, heart, root, water
Key words: Communication, expression of the sacred, goddess energies, gentleness and power
Green chalcedony Quartz, trigonal system, hardness - 7
Heart, solar plexus, water
Key words: Growth, compassion, forgiveness, connection with nature, altruism
Citrine (Quartz Family)
Silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness - 7
Root, sacral, solar plexus, fire
Key words: The Merchant Stone, manifestation, personal will, mental clarity, creativity
Copper oxide, cubic system, hardness – 3.5 - 4
Root, sacral, earth
Key words: Life force, vitality, physical energy, courage, healing, divine feminine
Calcium borosilicate crystal, orthorhombic system, hardness – 7 – 7.5
Heart, crown, transpersonal, etheric, wind
Key words: Angelic communication, channelling, Interdimensional travel, peace, freedom from stress, spirit
Hydrous copper silicate, trigonal system, hardness – 5 (occurs when copper veins get changed by oxidation)
Heart, water
Key words: Forgiveness, compassion, prosperity, release of karmic patterns
Aluminium borate silicate, orthorhombic system, hardness - 7
Third eye, wind
Key words: Divine inspiration, psychic ability, inner guidance, mental discipline, enhanced learning capacity
Emerald (Green Beryl)
Beryllium aluminium silicate, chrome/vanadium pigment, hexagonal system, hardness – 7.5 - 8
Heart, water
Key words: Love, compassion, healing, abundance, wisdom, loyalty
Aluminium iron silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 6 - 7
All chakras, earth, water
Key words: Release of negativity, embracing positive patterns, attraction of what one emanates
Calcium fluoride, cubic system, hardness - 4
All chakras, wind
Key words: Mental enhancement and clarity, improved decision making, clearing the energy fields
Glassy tubes formed by lightning strikes on sand or other silica rich soil, amorphous system, hardness – 5 - 6
All chakras, storm
Key words: Manifestation of one’s higher purpose, enhancement of prayer, purification, kundalini awakening, sudden awakening
Lead sulphide, cubic system, hardness – 2.5
Root, earth
Key words: Shamanic soul retrieval, alchemical self-transformation, past life re-call
Iron aluminium silicate, cubic system, hardness – 7.5
Root, earth
Key words: Strength, security, spirit home, key to the spirit kingdom of the animals, grounding
Iron oxide, trigonal system, hardness – 5 - 6
Root, (magnets (artificial hematite) – all chakras), earth
Key words: Grounding, manifestation, making the spiritual physical, soul mirror
Herkimer Diamond (Quartz)
Silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness – 7.5
Third eye, crown, storm
Key words: Dreams, activation, access to unlimited potential, visions, purification, spiritualisation of the physical life
Hydrated silicate of calcium and magnesium, triclinic system, hardness - 6
Third eye, heart, wind, water
Key words: Release and soothing of emotional debris, unreserved nurture, heart cleanser, third eye soother and activator, repairs muscles and soothes muscle ache
Iolite (Cordierite)
Magnesium aluminium silicate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 7 – 7.5
Third eye, wind
Key words: Inner vision, shamanic journeying, healing of old wounds, soul retrieval
Nephrite – calcium magnesium silicate, monoclinic system, hardness - 6
Heart, earth
Key words: Health, abundance
Microcrystalline variety of Quartz, trigonal system, hardness – 6.5 – 7
Red Jasper
Root, sacral, earth
Key words: Physical strength and vitality, stabilisation of one’s energies
Mookaite Jasper
Third eye, solar plexus, root, earth
Key words: Slowing the ageing process, intergenerational genetic healing, perception of earth energies, encourages the desire for new experiences
Unakite Jasper
All chakras, especially the heart, earth
Key words: Healing, balance, release of bad habits, higher attunement, patient persistence
Ocean Jasper
Solar plexus, heart, earth
Key words: Enjoyment of life, release of negativity and stress, positive self-expression
Type of coal called lignite – becomes electrically charged when rubbed on wool,
hardness – 3 - 4
Base for grounding, all chakras for purification, earth
Key words: Protection, purification, grounding, stabilising, calm, perspective
Kunzite (Pink to Violet Spodumene)
Lithium aluminium silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 6 - 7
Heart, water
Key words: Divine love, emotional healing, activation of the heart’s knowing
(Named after founder G.F. Kunz 1902)
Aluminium silicate, triclinic system,
hardness – along crystal axis = 4.5, across crystal axis = 6 - 7
All chakras, especially the third eye and heart, storm
Key words: Inner bridges, psychic ability, connecting with nature, past life recall, telepathy, empathy
Plagioclase feldspar – sodium calcium aluminium silicate, triclinic system, hardness – 6 – 6.5
All chakras, wind
Key words: Magic, protection, transformation, gateway to other worlds and dimensions, bringer of light, enchantment
(First found in the Labrador Peninsula in Canada in 1770)
Oxidised copper sulphide, monoclinic system, hardness – 2.5 - 3
Heart, Third eye, throat, wind, water
Key words: Freedom, free and non-judgemental communication, heart soother, nurtures the fragile, frees people from suicidal thoughts, clearing and cleansing
Lapis Lazuli
Sodium aluminium silicate with sulphur, chlorine and hydroxyl, and variable inclusions of pyrite and white calcite
Cubic system, hardness – 5.5
Third eye, throat, wind
Key words: Inner vision, truthful communication, royal virtues, teaches the power of the spoken word, counteracts harshness, persistent, magical, symbol of the night’s sky
Larimar (Blue Pectolite)
Sodium calcium silicate, triclinic system, hardness – 4.5 - 5
Throat, water, fire
Key words: Calming, soothing to the emotional body, cooling, enhanced communication, feminine power, connection with goddess energy
Potassium lithium aluminium silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 2.5 - 3
All chakras, especially the heart and third eye, storm, water
Key words: Emotional healing and balance, purification, serenity, relaxation, stress relief, enhances meditation
Iron oxide mineral, cubic system, hardness – 5.5 – 6.5
All chakras, earth
Key words: Alignment of subtle energies with the body, grounding, balancing polarities, awakening hidden potentials, aligning, grounding, directing
Copper carbonate, monoclinic system, hardness – 3.5 - 4
Solar plexus, heart, fire
Key words: Enlightened leadership, creativity, confidence, protection, a healed heart
White chalcedony containing dendrites (manganese oxide), hardness – 6 - 7
Solar plexus, third eye, storm
Key words: Magic, intuition, psychic openings, connection with elemental energies, past life recall, mediumship
Tektite – glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminium oxide and other metal oxides. It is a meteorite that crashed near the Moldau River in the Czech Republic approximately 14.8 million years ago, amorphous system, hardness - 5.5 - 6
All chakras, especially the heart and third eye, storm.
Key words: Transformation at an extremely fast rate, rapid spiritual evolution, chakra activation, increased incidents of synchronicities, takes control of the ego – for better or worse, amplifier of emotional states
Orthoclase – potassium aluminium silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 6 – 6.5
Third eye, crown, wind
Key words: Mystery, self-discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, goddess energy, the feminine, feminine cycles
Morganite (Pink Beryl)
Beryllium aluminium silicate – colour caused by manganese, hexagonal system, hardness – 7.5 - 8
Heart, water
Key words: Divine love and compassion, heart healer
Named after J.P. Morgan, first mined in Madagascar in 1902
Glassy, silica-rich volcanic rock, amorphous system, hardness – 5 – 5.5
Root, earth
Key words: Psychic protection, grounding, cleansing or negativity, spirit and animal communication, revealing, transforming
Snowflake Obsidian
Root, third eye, earth
Key words: Perseverance, insight, past life re-call, spirit communication, attunement to spiritual guidance
Mahogany Obsidian
Root, sacral, earth
Key words: Release from inner limitations and feelings of unworthiness
Variety of agate, hexagonal system, hardness - 7
Root, solar plexus, third eye, earth
Key words: Inner strength, focused attention, self-mastery, discipline
Hydrated silica material – composed of sub-microscopic silica spheres that are bonded together with water and additional silica, amorphous system, hardness – 5.5 – 6.5
Pink Opal
Heart, earth, water, fire
Key words: Emotional healing, confidence builder, beauty, creates feelings of beauty, emotional action
Magnesium iron silicate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 6.5 - 7
Solar plexus, heart, earth
Key words: Increase, prosperity, warmth, well-being
Lithium sodium aluminium silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 6.5
Third eye, crown, transpersonal, wind
Key words: Heart healer, tranquillity, uplifting, expansion of awareness, opening to higher worlds, opening heart to healing
Calcium aluminium silicate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 6 - 6.5
Solar plexus, heart, earth, water
Key words: Inner peace, union of the heart and will, communication with non-physical beings
Named after the Dutch Colonel, H. Von Prehn (1733-1785).
Iron sulphide, cubic system, hardness – 6 - 6.5
Solar plexus, earth
Key words: Masculine energy, manifestation, action, vitality, willpower, creativity, confidence
Quartz (Clear)
Silicon dioxide, trigonal, hardness – 7
All chakras, storm
Key words: Master Healer, clearing, cleansing, healing, memory enhancement, amplification of one’s intention, magnification of ambient energies
Manganese carbonate, trigonal system, hardness – 3.5 - 4
Heart, solar plexus, fire, water
Key words: Emotional healing, self love, compassion, recovery of lost memories and forgotten gifts
Manganese met silicate mineral, triclinic system, hardness – 5.5 - 6.5
Heart, root, fire, earth
Key words: Discovering and developing hidden talents, compassion, love, generosity, encourages kindness
Rose Quartz
Silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness – 7
Heart, water
Key words: Love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the divine, unconditional love, love for self, builds confidence
Corundum, aluminium oxide, chromium, trigonal system, hardness – 9
Root, earth
Key words: Life-force, courage, passion, strength, enthusiasm, adventurousness, protectiveness, grounding, stability
Rutilated Quartz (Angel Hair Quartz)
Quartz (silicon dioxide) with inclusions of Rutile (titanium oxide), trigonal system, hardness – 7
All chakras, storm
Key words: Angelic realms, attunement, expands awareness, quickens and grounds manifestation, pure, memories
Aluminium oxide, corundum, trigonal system, hardness – 9
Blue Sapphire
Third eye, throat, wind, earth
Key words: awareness, discipline
Pink Sapphire
Heart, solar plexus, water, fire
Key words: Love, forgiveness, encourages release and acceptance of change, drains the solar plexus of dis-ease
Purple Sapphire
Crown, Third eye, heart, storm, water
Key words: Comforting to issues relating to the crown, third eye and heart chakras, interdimensional communication, spiritual intellect
Type of gypsum, hydrous calcium sulphate, system, hardness – 7
All chakras, storm
Key words: Angelic realms, attunement, expands awareness, quickens and grounds manifestation, pure, memories
Clinochlore – hydrous magnesium iron silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 4
All chakras, storm, earth
Key words: Linked to the Seraphim, self-healing, regeneration, wholeness, compassion for oneself
Magnesium silicate, monoclinic, orthorhombic or trigonal system depending on variety, hardness – 2 – 5.5
All chakras, earth
Key words: Helps you access the spiritual history of the earth, awakens kundalini energy, connects with nature
Shaman Stones (Moqui Marbles)
Sandstone concretions found on the north rim of the Grand Canyon, Moqui Indian children used
them in play
All chakras, earth
Key words: Shamanic journeying, intuition, soul retrieval
Smoky Quartz
Silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness – 7
Root, earth
Key words: Grounding, practicality, transmutation of negative energies, manifestation of hopes and dreams
Chloric sodium aluminium silicate, cubic system, hardness – 5.5 - 6
Third eye, wind
Key words: Access to the subconscious and intuitive abilities, deepened intuition, enhanced insight and mental performance
Spirit Quartz
Silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness – 7
Crown, solar plexus, storm
Key words: Merging with the higher self, freedom from fear, spiritual evolution, protection, fairy communication
Complex mineral containing iron, magnesium, zinc, aluminium, and silicon,
monoclinic system, hardness – 7 – 7.5
Third eye, heart, root, wind, earth
Key words: Linking with the realms of the fairies, devas, animal and plant kingdom, grounding and protection, physical well-being
Hydrated magnesium chromium carbonate, trigonal system, hardness – 1.5 - 2
Crown, heart, root, wind, water
Key words: Love and forgiveness, soothing kundalini activation, compassion, resilience
Zeolite mineral – sodium calcium hydrous aluminium silicate, monoclinic system, hardness – 3.5 - 4
Crown, third eye, heart, wind
Key words: Clear thinking, inner peace, enhancing dreams, expansion of one’s self-sense, shining light, mirror
Rare potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminium silicate, hexagonal system, hardness – 6 – 6.5
Etheric, transpersonal, crown, third eye, wind, fire
Key words: Dreams, spiritual protection and purification, becoming a ‘beacon of light’, transmits light through darkness
Tangerine Quartz
Silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness – 7
Sacral, fire
Key words: Creativity, sexual energy, passion, issues regarding sexuality, curiosity, playfulness, inspiration, innocence
Blue zoisite, calcium aluminium silicate, orthorhombic system, hardness – 6.5 - 7
Soul Star, crown, third eye, throat, heart, wind
Key words: Links the mind and heart, enhances spiritual perception, encourages compassionate self-expression, encourages one to adhere to the truth
Glassy objects associated with meteoric impacts, amorphous system, hardness – 5.5 – 6.5
All chakras, storm
Key words: Connection with extra terrestrial beings, telepathic communication, raises vibrational level
Zeolite – calcium aluminium silicate – colour due to manganese, orthorhombic system, hardness – 6.5 - 7
Throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, water, wind
Key words: Joy, pleasure, affection, generosity, healing of negative patterns, kindness, centering in the heart, links the heart and mind, sooths period pains and bloating
Tiger Eye
Quartz – silicon dioxide, trigonal system, hardness – 7
Solar plexus, sacral, root, fire, earth
Key words: Balance between extremes, vitality, discernment, strength, practicality, fairness, courage
Tiger Iron
Banded tiger eye – jasper and hematite, trigonal system, hardness – 7
Solar plexus, sacral, root, fire, earth
Key words: Strength, stamina, focused will, physical energy and strength, self-healing, grounding
Topaz (Golden – Imperial)
Aluminium silicate fluoride hydroxide, orthorhombic system, hardness – 8
Solar plexus, fire
Key words: Manifestation of personal intention, will and desires
Complex aluminium borosilicate, trigonal system, hardness – 7 – 7.5
Black Tourmaline (Schorl)
Base, earth
Key words: Purification, grounding, protection, re-aligning
Pink Tourmaline
Heart, water
Key words: Love, emotional healing and well-being – heart healer – very popular with crystal lovers because it has such a positive impact on the heart
Green Tourmaline
Heart, water
Key words: Healing, strength, vitality, wholeness, physical well-being
Watermelon Tourmaline
Heart, water
Key words: Love, calm, joy
Blue Tourmaline
Third eye, throat, water, wind
Key words: Higher awareness, communication, aids meditation and the expansion of consciousness
Tourmalinated Quartz
Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline
All chakras, storm
Key words: Purification, recovery from negative influences
Copper aluminium phosphate, triclinic system, hardness – 5 - 6
Throat, storm
Key words: Wholeness, communication, spiritual expansion
Sodium calcium borate, triclinic system, hardness – 2.5
Third eye, wind
Key words: Intuition, inner vision, telepathy, clairvoyance, imagination, mental agility, clear sight
Vanadate family combining lead vanadium chlorine and oxygen, hexagonal system,
hardness – 3
Third eye, solar plexus, sacral, root, fire
Key words: Accomplishment of work, stamina, grounding, creativity, discipline, link to earth energies
Zinc oxide crystal, trigonal system, hardness – 4
Solar plexus, sacral, root, fire
Key words: Life force, creativity, sexuality, personal power, manifestation, flow and excitement of imagination
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