What we are about
Chichester Model Boat Group where enthusiasts come together to enjoy their hobby in the beautiful surroundings of Chichester Canal by kind permission of the Canal Trust.
We meet Wednesday and Sunday mornings at about 10am, grab a cup of tea from the canal cafe, chat and sail our boats.
There is no membership fee as we are not a club. Its free.
but No fast electric or I.C. engine powered craft.
please see the Rules page.
The Chichester Model Boat Group accepts no liability for inaccuracies, incomplete, ambiguous or incorrect information in any of its output, however so caused.
Whilst we attempt to make sure that the information contained in this website is accurate and complete, we are aware that some errors and omissions may occur from time to time. We are not able therefore, to guarantee the accuracy of that information and cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from misleading information or for any reliance on which you may place on the information contained in this website. We highly recommend that you examine the information to check the accuracy of the information supplied. If you have any queries with regard to any information on our website, please contact us. This disclaimer does not affect your statutory rights.