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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 04/12/2013.

Current Project Status

Argyll Mausoleum

Project Update – Nov 2013

The first phase of the project is now nearing completion, which includes landscape and access works comprising the upgrading of existing pedestrian routes; the formation of a new Scottish Oak shingle clad visitor shelter and the installation of a series of interpretation panels. Also encompassed in this first phase are upgrading works within the church, including the formation of a small interpretation and exhibition space, as well as the installation of new accessible sanitary facilities.  These various works are all scheduled for completion by the end of 2013.

The conservation work to the Mausoleum will continue into next year when seasonally dependent lime-work will take place. Thereafter, the protective temporary roof and its supporting scaffolding - which has remained in place during the course of the project to facilitate the work and allow the structure to dry out - will be removed. The remaining elements of landscaping, currently covered by the scaffold and temporary roof, will then be carried out, with final completion of the project scheduled for August 2014.


Icosis Architects

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