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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 04/12/2013.


We are delighted that Fiona Lochhead has now been appointed as Activity Co-ordinator and started work with us to help make our activity plan for Argyll Mausoleum a  reality.

Job Description:
Co-ordinator Activities and Visitor Centre

Overall Purpose
Argyll Mausoleum Ltd would like the Mausoleum to be at the centre of community and tourism activities in Cowal and ensure that as many people as possible can learn about its history. A programme of activities which will do this has been agreed and are described in the Argyll Mausoleum Activity Plan.
The Activities Co-ordinator will act as the central point of contact between Argyll Mausoleum Board and other organisations and partners that the Board has identified to work with to help develop the programme of activities
The main tasks will be to ensure that the activities plan is delivered and coordinate volunteer support. The co-ordinator will manage the visitor facility once this has been created. The work will also entail keeping records of activities and reporting to the project group.
Responsible to:
Chair Argyll Mausoleum Ltd
Responsible for:
Any Volunteers who may be recruited to help.
Remuneration and Timing:
This is a part-time position payable at the rate of £13/ hour. It is expected to require an average input of 16 hours a week, for two years. This may be extended, dependent on success with further funding bids. The work will involve a more intense period at the beginning to set up the programme of activities and during the summer season when the visitor facility is open to the public and less intensive during the winter months. Actual tasks must be agreed with the committee in advance, to ensure alignment with funding available.
Initially working from home when a computer and file storage will be made available. Once in the visitor area a desk, file storage space, and computer will be made available.
1. Set up and maintain a record of relevant contacts and projects
2. Implement the programme of activities identified
3. Recruit and organise volunteers to help with implementation
4. Liaise with key partner organisations.
5. Promote the Mausoleum to schools.
6. Manage the calendar for visits and events
7. Ensure that Health & Safety regulations are observed for all activities
8. Set up and maintain records / questionnaires to monitor and evaluate activities – as agreed with the Project Group
9. Support marketing of Argyll Mausoleum and its activities
10. Support publicity – ensuring that website information is accurate and ensuring information is updated
11. Contribute any further ideas to extend or vary the activities already agreed to enhance or extend them.
12. Assist with further applications for funding which may emerge.

Skills & Experience required:
1. Excellent verbal and written communication skills – good listener
2. Flexible and co-operative approach
3. Enthusiast and excellent interpersonal skills
4. Computer literate- Word, Excel, internet, email
5. Orderly – able to keep coherent records
6. Good self-starter, able to take direction and use initiative to develop the outline programme
7. Post will be subject to basic police disclosure check

8. Knowledge of / familiarity with the history of Mausoleum and Kilmun
9. Enthusiasm for / knowledge of interpreting history
10. Knowledge and understanding of the primary and secondary education sector
11. Professional or voluntary experience of organising activities for a range of audiences
12. Experience of managing/supervising volunteers

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