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Beeston Wildlife Group (Part of the Nottingham Wildlife Trust) Meet at Trent Vale Infant School, Trent Road, Beeston Rylands. NG9 1LP. 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Admision £3

Programme on their website: www.spanglefish.com/Beestonwildlifegroup

For events arranged by Attenborough Nature Reserve and Nottingham Wildlife Trust, log on to: www.nottinghamshirewildlife.org/events 


Derby Wildlife Trust's local group is West Derby who meet at St Peter's Church Hall, Shepherds Street, Littleover, Derbyshire, DE23 6GF 7.30pm on the 4th Thursday of each month. Admission £3. 

For more details: www.derbyshirewildlifetrust.org.uk  and select 'whats on'


Long Eaton Natural History Society, LENS Wildlife Group.

Autumn-Spring: Indoor meetings at 7pm at the United Reformed Church, 26 Midland Street, Long Eaton, NG10 1HQ. Parking across road in Town Hall Car park. £1.50 for members, £2.50 for visitors. Walks in the summer. For programme of events: https://lensweb.wordpress.com


Beeston Camera Club's meetings are 8-10pm on Thursday evenings September - April at the Redeemer Church, 29 Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AE. Fee for visitors is £3.



Wollaton History & Conservation Society (WHACS) meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month, September to April (not December), 7.30pm at St Leonard's Community Centre, Bramcote Lane, Wollaton (opposite Wollaton Library) NG8 2ND. Free for Society members, visitors £2.

Programme on their website: www.spanglefish.com/WollatonHistorical


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