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Wolverhampton <> Jamaica links  Jan 2014

Six schools in Wolverhampton have recently successfully applied for "Connecting Classrooms" funding support for teacher exhanges during 2014 to develop partnerships with schools in Hanover Jamaica. 

Uplands Junior School in Wolverhampton has a link with Cacoon Primary and ASTEP Centre in Hanover, Jamaica, and she visited in February 2012.

Liz Millman supported Mrs Lesley Ward, Head teacher of Uplands to gain Global Schools funding (no longer available). They are with Cacoon Principal, Carol Grant and Yasus Afari - one of Jamaica's leading poets and "edutainers".

In July 2012 Mrs Grant visited Uplands Primary School:

In the years after this 6 other Primary Schools in Wolverhampton successfully linked with Jamaican Schools.

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