Get your free website from Spanglefish
This is a free Spanglefish 2 website.

Funding links

We are currently exploring ways to work with the great Pebble team at "School Fundfinder"  http://www.mypebble.co.uk/en/sff/

They offer schools a great service for a low fee that will enable you to find sources of funding and ideas for fundraising that will help with school links (and other things as well).

Contact Ross at  rh@talktopebble.co.uk - say you are part of the UK Jamaica Schools Links project - and they will be able to advise you how to link with them.

You can check this out https://www.mypebble.co.uk/media/brochures/SFF_brochure.pdf

Let us know if you have worked with Pebble, so we can build up some endorsements.

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