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Our aim was to be able to fast track setting up links - however due to Covid most options are on hold. Contact us anyway as there are ways we may be able to move forward.

For UK schools the opportunity to have international links is now seen as an expectation and to learn about Jamaica is very timely – at the moment to gain better understanding about Windrush, but also we have worked on other things: eg when the Commonwealth games was in Birmingham,  the 50th Anniversary of Jamaican Independence and of course Jamaica’s achievements and profile at the Olympic Games!

For Jamaican schools it is a good time for children to learn about the UK today, as the country is one of the countries which has become home to many people of Jamaican heritage.

Our team of Jamaican Cultural Artistes based in UK entertained the invited guests at the Jamaica Training camp in Birmingham, but no - we didn't get to see the Lightening Bolt!

Liz Millman (on left) is your first point of contact:  

email lizmillman@yahoo.co.uk

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