What were we able to offer ?
NB We are exploring different online options in 2022 working with colleagues in Jamaica.
Past plans: in addition to helping to set up a link with a school in Jamaica, we worked with the Jamaican Ministry of Education Regional Teams to ensure that your link is supported in Jamaica, and in the UK ....
Hopefully when we get to the other side of the pandemic we can find other ways to develop and maintain links.
Yasus Afari provides poetic inspiration
for children at Uplands Junior School
- we can organise and provide support for a "Jamaica Day" to introduce the project with Jamaican "edutainers" poets and story tellers with specialist input and guidance
- and we can work with you to develop a year’s programme of workshops and visits to your school by Caribbean Creative Artistes to support and inspire children and teachers
- we can register your school with ODDIZZI (click for link) for use by both schools for easy exchange of postcards between classes - we are working with ODDIZZI to put together a site page about Jamaica.
- we also organise professional development opportunites for teachers i.e.training and conferences in UK and Jamaica, as well as arranging exchange visits of teachers, with flights and accommodation if required
- we can provide display materials and resources about Jamaica
- we can offer other support and curriculum development advice as needed
and we can arrange for UK schools to provide practical support for their link school, if this appropriate e.g. we have an option to provide a camera, laptop, projector etc. for use by the school in Jamaica - presented during a visit by one of our team based in Jamaica, or we can arrange free shipping of items, eg summer clothes, books etc to set up a Thrift Shop at your link school to enable them to raise necessary funds.