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27 August 2012
August bank Holiday Melee

The August Bank Holiday melee organised by the Locomotives was a great success.

There were 24 people who entered the melee and a lot of families and friends who just turned up to enjoy the weather and the music.

There were many new players, some who had never played before and some who just wanted to take part, there were three rounds in all and the winners were, 1st Roger Rudge +31, 2nd Steve Morgan +20 and 3rd June from Leeds with +18.

Once the melee was finished the raffle was run thanks to Peggy Thomas, John Cox and Sylvia, the Bar-B-Que was cooked, thanks to Jan, Bill and Jo and a boules shooting competition was run by Ben and Sam, there were three winners, Bill, Shaun and Ben (guest player) and on the play off Ben won.

The music were all local groups and provided great entertainment all afternoon until 8pam, then this was handed over to Brian who I am sure entertained everyone left until late.

Thanks to everyone involved and to Shaun who worked hard to make the day go well and Nigel, Sue, Angharad and all the staff at the Rising Sun who worked extra hard to keep everyone happy, also thanks to those who donated the raffle prizes.

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