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03 July 2012
BIG v WPA 19th August 2012

The BIG V WPA match is now organized for Sunday 19th August.


The format will be 8 teams ( Pairs)  from each association playing a round robin 7 games in all (4 before lunch 3 after)


Meet for 9am start 930am 7 timed games of 45 or 50 min's + 45mins for lunch should see it finish around 5pm


The venue is the Wheatsheaf at Llanhennock I belive food will be available from the pub but will confirm this at a later date


Could you approach the  BIG clubs for teams say one pair from each selected club if possible to represent the BIG. (we will do the same in the WPA )


Please forward names / clubs to me so that I can produce score cards etc prior to the event


Teams to wear Club Shirts


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