Precision Farming
14 May 2018

Jim Wilson of ‘SoilEssentials Ltd’ was speaker on 14th May. Jim Wilson and his co-director Robert Ramsay are two farmers with working farms, a heritage in farming, questioning minds and a passion for all that is precision.

Jim told a remarkable story of the increasing use of technology in modern farming. 

His company offers a range of services in areas of Agronomics, Machine Control and IT Development. But what was very surprising was the extent to which modern computers, digital technology and satellite provision are being harnessed in the service of farmers. 

Jim remarked that growing crops is complicated - probably meaning that this is the case when wanting to grow high quality crops efficiently and with high yield, under widely varying conditions of  soil and climate.

We heard of the use of up to 150 positioning satellites to achieve positioning accuracy at ground level of 2cm; of the mapping of the Earth’s surface in 50 metre squares and the analysis of soil pH levels and phosphate, potassium and magnesium content.

We heard too of the remote control of driverless tractors and other machinery, of the use of drones to count crops, of mathematical modelling to predict yield and even potato tuber size. 

Crop varieties and planting densities can be chosen to optimise yield and produce at the most efficient cost. Soil bio-health and disease resistances can also be assessed. 

Some parts of the story had a sense of science fiction - yet it is happening - and with the very serious purpose of feeding the population of planet Earth. A remarkable and fascinating insight and the Club joined enthusiastically in thanking Jim for being with us.    


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