Rotarians and Friends
male voice choir
This choir of club members and friends now numbers 14 and has been singing along for a good few years, with guidance from the expert hand of Choir Director Miss Jessie Lyon.
Known locally as 'Jessie's Boys!' this male voice choir has tackled musical meanderings from Victoriana to Burns, German, French, Gaelic and Latin - and even a venture into barber shop harmony.
Critical listeners assure the choir they mellow and improve as each year passes! Much like the finest of wine - or even a violin from the hand of a master!
Sadly, the choir was silenced by Covid regulations, but when permitted struck a note (dare we say!!) for freedom, by meeting in the spacious gardens of a choir member. It would not be unkind to say the singing was just a little rusty - but socially distanced coffee and cake helped no end.
Then, with Covid restrictions in the past, the choir was again out and about. The choir joined many other performars to sing in Pittenweem Church during the 2023 Arts Festival and then to Kilrenny Church for an anniversary meeting of 'The Rural'.
More recently and by way of 'foreign travel' - an adventure abroad to Glenrothes and a care home. then to Arncroach, two gigs in St Monans (repeat performances no less!) and then to St Andrews.
And 2024 saw a return to Pittenweem Arts Festival, again for a concert in the church; a very pleasant afternoon and the choir was delighted to receive a donation of £200 towards the work of the club. the year finished off with performances in Kilrenny, Arncroach and St Monans. Rehearsals are about to restart, with fresh music for events in 2025.
