28 December 2024

Thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas Postal Delivery Service which this year brought in £2,025 - and as ever that is destined for charitable and good causes.

At 40p a card that's another 5,000 plus cards sorted and delivered. Thanks especially to Crail Pharmacy, The Corner Shop in Cellardyke, G H Barnett, St Monans Mini Market, Colinsburgh Corner Shop and Elie Newsagents as handing-in points. And a HUGE thank you to all the 'posties'.


Last of the year..
16 December 2024

Our meeting of the 16th December was the last of the year and an excellent social evening with partners and friends. A first class Christmas meal was provided by the Rockies restaurant, giving a seasonal flavour to a pleasent and relaxed gathering.

A much-appreciated address was given by Revd David Gordon, who is Episcopal priest at Pittenweem and carols were sung by the company, ably led by Miss Jessie Lyon on keyboard. This helped offset the stress of a rather demanding quiz set by Carol Brunton, and lifted the spirits after exposure to president Ian Brunton's usual dreadful jokes and stories!

Altogether though a fine evening and a warm vote of thanks was proposed by John O'Neill.   

Henry Balfour & Co..
11 November 2024

our club meeting of 11th November opened with President Ian Brunton reflecting on Remembrance and the importance of the day in honouring the many who fell in defence of our freedom.

Following Grace and a meal several items of business were addressed including the sad news of the deaths of past club member Jim Horsfield and past Rotary District officer Cath Chorley. 

We also covered the upcoming events of the 14th November School Debate at Waid Academy and plans for another ‘Christmas post’ - most likely the 10th to 17th December.

Following business, our speaker was Ron Black, who gave an interesting and extremely well researched history of Henry Balfour and Company of Durie Foundry, Leven. This took the form of an illustrated timeline from the firm’s founding in 1810, up to today. It proved to be a remarkable story of continuous adaptation to changing technologies and business opportunities.

From the earliest times of simple iron-foundry production of cast Iron stoves, we were taken through the years of potash kettles, spinning mules, mining, iron ship building, steam engines and pumps, coal-gas production, oil refinery equipment, North Sea gas and oil exploration, chemical plant, brewery equipment and on to modern antibiotic and pharmaceutical process plant.

War times brought the need for armaments and ammunition - and in an unexpected surprise, to the manufacture of wings for the Hurricane fighter aircraft of WW2.

Diversification led to arc welding, to pressed steel manufacture and to development of the production of very specialised glass lining of tanks and other chemical processing equipment.

In concluding his talk Ron provided an insight to the ways companies diversify, restructure and become international players. Most recently the company became part of the international Pfaulder group and known within the the UK as Robbins and Myers UK Ltd.

Following questions, a vote of thanks was proposed by Ian Brunton.

Futtle Brewery..
04 November 2024

Nine Rotarians visited the Futtle Brewery at Bowhouse St Monans, Monday 4th November, for a guided tour hosted by owner Stephen Marshall.

Futtle is the only organic brewery in Scotland and is fully certified by the Soil Association.

Formed in 2019 by Stephen & his partner Lucy, they brew with whole grains and whole leaf hops from organic certified growers.
The water comes from a borehole just behind Bowhouse.

They brew table beers, pale beers & foraged beers made from plant, root or seed harvested locally. Stephen is currently brewing their first batch of lager.

There is also a bottle shop on site and they regularly host music events at weekends. The pandemic curtailed the growth of the business, but profits are forecast for next year.

After a tour of the entire Bowhouse facility, president Ian thanked Stephen, whose energy & enthusiasm deserve success,for his tour.

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