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Leabhraichean a Dhrùidh Orm / Bibliographic Influences

Seo dà leabhar a thug buaidh nach beag orm 's mi a' gabhail ùidh ann am bàrdachd Rob Dhuinn, cho math ri eachdraidh nam Fuadaichean an-iochmhor ann an Cataibh agus rud sam bith a bhuin ris an Eilean Sgiathanach.

These are two books which had a considerable influence on me when I became interested in the poetry of Rob Donn, as well as the history of the cruel Clearances of Sutherland and anything pertaining to Skye.

A thaobh sàr-leabhar Iain Ghrimbail, 's e tha seo ach "an dàrna deuchainn" aig Sellar - as na notaichean air còmhdach an leabhair, thathar a' toirt comhairle don leughadair (a tha mar neach-diùraidh air a' chùis ùr seo). 'S iad an luchd-fianaise ach a h-uile duine a bha an-sàs sa ghnothach air dòigh a choreigin - cuid a rinn gnìomh, cuid eile a sgrìobh. 

With regard to Ian Grimble's excellent book, this is Sellar's "retrial" - the book's covernotes contain advice for the reader, who is in effect a juryman in this new case. The witnesses are everybody who was involved in some way or other - some who acted, some who wrote.

A bharrachd air ro-ràdh le Eric Linklater tha òrain (aig deireadh an leabhair) a bhuineas ris a' chùis gu lèir - agus 's e aon dhiubh seo a ghin annam cruth àraid a leantainn nam òran fhèin, a nì iomradh air Eaglais ainmeil na Cròice.

In addition to an introduction by Eric Linklater, there are songs (at the end of the book) which pertain to the whole matter - and it is one of these that inspired me to follow a certain form in my own song, which makes mention of the famous Croick Church.

Agus tha fhios nach eil mòran nach cuala mu dheidhinn Mgr. Pòcair còir, a rinn coiseachd is dìreadh san Eilean Sgiathanach agus a chuir leabhar neo dhà ri chèile mu na dh'fhiosraich e san àite air an robh e glè dhèidheil.

And there cannot be many who haven't heard about Mr Poucher, who undertook some walking and climbing in Skye and who compiled a book or two about what he experienced in the place of which he was very fond.

Saoilidh mi gur e an rud as fheàrr leam mu Bhàltair còir gun robh ùidh aige as a h-uile bad den eilean - cha b' ann dìreach as na beanntan is sa Chuilitheann.

I feel the thing I like most about Walter is that he was interested in every part of the island - not just the mountains and the Cuillins. 

Ach 's dòcha gun gabhadh e iongnadh aig an dealbh shuas aig bàrr gach duilleige den làrach agam! 

But possibly he would be a bit surprised by the above picture at the top of each page of my site! 


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