Here are a list of our fantastic tutors teaching throughout the Highlands and Islands.
It's always worth contacting tutors even if they are not in your area as many are willing to work online.
Cheyenne Brown
Location: Ross-shire/Highland/Inverness/Black Isle
Tel: 07791 018761
Website: www.cheyenneharp.com
Email: info@cheyenneharp.com
Emma Chisholm Wright
Location: Kingussie
Tel: 07912 029291
Website: www.highlandharpist.scot
Email: misshighlands@hotmail.com
Isbel Pendlebury
Location: Highland
Tel: 07540 657155
Website: www.isbelpendlebury.com
Email: isbel.pendlebury@gmail.com
Fraya Thomsen
Location: Ardgay/Ross-shire, Highland
Tel: 07766 685350
Website: http://www.frayathomsen.com/
Email: fraya.thomsen@gmail.com
Jennifer Port
Location: Golspie
Tel: 07713 177087
Website: www.jenniferport.co.uk
Email: jennifer@jenniferport.co.uk
Eilidh Macleod
Location: Isle of Skye
Tel: 07740 105607
Email: eilidhnicleoid@hotmail.com
Christine Martin
Location: Isle of Skye
Tel: 01471 822528
Heather Yule
Location: Kinlochleven
Tel: 07791 097450
Email: heatheryule@mac.com
Bill Taylor
Location: Strathpeffer
Tel: 07748 763496
Email: bill.clarsach@gmail.com
Ingrid Henderson
Location: Near Fort William
Tel: 01397 722201
Email: ingrid@oldlaundryproductions.com
Mary Strachan
Location: Isle of Skye
Tel: 01471 822262