Harp Hire
So where do you start to look?
The Highland Branch of the Clarsach Society may be able to help. The Highland Branch has 9 clarsachs for hire, seven 31-34 string ones and two 27-string ones. The larger harps are £25 a month and the smaller ones are £20 a month. The hirer must be a member of the Clarsach Society and is required to pay 3 or 6 months in advance.
For further information please contact Kirsty at kirsty_north2@hotmail.co.uk
Other organisations that might have harps available are:
Cheyenne Brown, Strathpeffer: info@cheyenneharp.com
Clarsach Society, Edinburgh. http://www.clarsachsociety.co.uk/harp-hire
Feis a’Bhaile at £20 per month plus a £50 deposit, from Marie Nicholson.
Tel 01463 711956
Feis Spe information from Caroline Sterrit Tel 01540 662165
Or you could try messagaing us on Facebook and members may be able to help;