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There is a lot of contradictory information on the Internet about Colloidal Silver, what it can do, how it should be made/stored and also a lot of sceptics who believe it does not do anything.

There are also reports that it can cause Arygia (turning the skin grey), however these cases have used creams on the skin that contain high concentrations of pure silver, you would have to drink gallons of Colloidal Silver in one go to get that condition!.

It is widely reported that Silver kills all viruses, fungi and bacteria and is completely harmless to the body.  The kidneys naturally expel it, so again unless you drink gallons in one go, you cannot overdose on it.  It is non-toxic to any living thing that is not a one-celled organism.  It works by “suffocating” the bacteria, fungus or virus.  These one-celled organisms use an enzyme for their oxygen metabolism, the silver inhibits this enzyme, thereby suffocating the organism and killing it.  The body then eliminates these dead organisms naturally. 

It has been reported that Colloidal Silver has helped over 650 different complaints, including...
Acne, Allergies, Arthritis, Athletes Foot, Bladder irritation and inflammation, Blood poisoning, Boils, Burns, Cancer, Candida, Colds, Colitis, Conjunctivitis, Coughs, Cystitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Dysentery, Ear infections, Eczema, Eye infections, Gastritis, Gonorrhoea, Halitosis, Hay fever, Haemorrhoids, Herpes, Inflammation, Infections (bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Myximatosis, Pleurisy, Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rhinitis, Ringworm, Septicaemia, Sinusitis, Sores, Tinea, Tonsillitis, Tooth infections, TB, Ulcers, Warts, Yeast infections.  Other reported uses include - Domestic - Cleaning worktops, spraying on prepared vegetables, open cans, dairy products and leftovers, add to plant water to prevent mould.  Personal  - Killing the eggs of head lice, de-odorising – underarms, feet, bins, sponges, fridges, toilets, shower mats etc. (smells are caused by bacteria).  Topical - use on insect bites, stings, open cuts, scratches, warts, pimples.

What do I believe out of all this?  Well, whilst I cannot vouch for all the uses above, I have no doubt that it works - certainly for minor infections and conditions, I have used it on myself and my animals and while the sceptics can call it a placebo effect on me, they can’t claim that on my animals.  Things that I have personally used Colloidal Silver for with great success include, for me .....

  • eczema (I get mild eczema on my fingers and a daily spray of CS gets rid of it in a couple of days)
  • mouth ulcers (holding a capful in mouth over the sore a couple of times a day reduces inflamation quickly and gets rid of the ulcer in a couple of days
  • tooth infections (holding a capful in mouth over sight of infection reduces the pain quickly and gets rid of infection after a couple of days)
  • colds (I rarely get colds but if one breaks through I take 20-30ml a day and symptoms reduce very quickly)
  • prevent infections in cuts (if I get a cut I spray as quickly with CS to prevent infection getting hold, spray regularly until wound heals)
  • prickly heat (anyone who suffers with prickly heat will know how itchy the rash is, I spray with CS and it quickly cools the itching and reduces the inflamation, regular spraying helps to get rid of the rash within a day or two)
  • keeping cut vegetables fresh (I spray my fruit and veg to make them last longer and prevent them going off, a cut cucumber will keep fresh for two weeks, every time I use a bit I just re-spray the fresh cut and put back in the fridge)
  • a deodoriser (I use it to clean the fridge and any other place where bacteria has caused a smell)

For the animals 

  • cat flu (my poor wee cat was sneezing with green mucus coming out of her nose, the only thing I used was CS and after two days symptoms had gone and by the third day she was asking to go out again)
  • kennel cough (being raw fed my dogs rarely get kennel cough only when directly exposed and then the symptoms are very mild, I give 20-30ml 2-3 times a day and symptoms have gone in a day or two
  • bites and wounds (as with me I spray into open wounds and bites and as soon as possible and spray regularly to prevent infection getting in until wound heals)
  • ear infection (one of my dogs gets recurring ear infections, cleaning the ears with CS reduces inflammation quickly)

Friends I have also use it very successfully for arthritis in their older dogs, I do not pretend to know how it works on arthritis, but several people used and sweared by it.  One of them ran out and her dog started limping, after replacing the bottle and treating for a week the dog was back to normal - no placebo effect for dogs.

One friend reported it cleared her son’s acne after a few days when all the stuff from the doctor failed and others have used it on their animals when all other veterinary treatments have failed and found it has made a big difference.


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