SpanglefishCill Chuimein Heritage Group | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 17/11/2011.


Cill Chuimein Heritage Group have two ongoing projects. 

The first is to produce an updated plan and transcription of all the stones in Killchuimen Burial Ground.  The previous survey only included pre 1855 stones and produced a somewhat distorted plan.  The work to produce a plan that includes every gravestone, complete with a full trascription, is progressing steadily but if you fancy helping, please get in touch.


For our second project we hope to establish a photographic archive of pictures of Fort Augustus. We have just purchased a scanner and hope that people will let us scan their precious photographs of the villiage and its inhabitants of former times.


Cill Chuimein Heritage Group is also closely associated with the Fort Augustus Preservation Trust and their endeavours to save the Old Oich Bridge. 


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