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Season 11 

David Gleave from 'Historycal Roots' will join us 



Oops this should be session 133!

Recording here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGGg2iW3PyY

Many thanks to Kirt Henry and all those who joined this session - there was follow conversation about last weeks session. 


Liz Millman from Learning Links International introduces Alex Renton and Dr Christienna Fryar who have been working with others who have been on the committee that has been drawing up recommendations for the Church of England's reparatory justice for transatlantic enslavement plan, now published. It is hoped it will provide a model for other institutions. The announcement of the Oversight Group's report on the form and intentions of the CofE fund is now launched.  

Recording is here:   https://youtu.be/tqYgLxk2YIw

This Black History Conversations attracted the most signifiant number of folks we have ever had join us and it is a very long session. Thanks to Alex and Christienna for your patience as folks had their say. 


Recording here: https://youtu.be/l0hBk6QUdtQ


16th Feb - Scherco R. Gill

Recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVn092JU2Xo


Rev. Dr. Devon Merrick Dick is the Pastor of the Boulevard Baptist Church, Kingston, Jamaica since 1990. He was a regular columnist in the Gleaner and serves as a Justice of the Peace since 1990. He is also a Past President of the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU) serving between the years 201 6 and 2018. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Theology) UWI Mona, Master of Arts (Theology) UWI Mona and a PhD (Caribbean Studies) from the University of Warwick UK. He is the author of ‘REBELLION TO RIOT – The Jamaican Church in Nation Building’, and ‘THE CROSS AND THE MACHETE: Native Baptists of Jamaica – Identity, Ministry and Legacy’ and ENDURING ADVOCACY for a Better Jamaica .

Recording here: https://youtu.be/rxpQONhAJlQ


Recording here: https://youtu.be/2NL7K3z0p6o


Laura has been working on a podcast series with the Labour MP Clive Lewis,  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/heirs-of-enslavement/id1714812668

She spoke about an archival project she involved in, aimed at digitizing the early records of slavery held in Jamaica, Barbados and Antigua, so they’re publicly available for descendent communities worldwide.

Recording link here: https://youtu.be/wAUWGurFXLE


Friday 19th January 2024

- Recording: https://youtu.be/8vwGgbeqsGo

Recording here: https://youtu.be/8vwGgbeqsGo


Fri 12th January 2024

a joint conference on Zoom "Atlantic Links - Next steps in Reparation" exploring links between the Pennants Heritage Research Group and the Jamaica Memory Bank, with Brown University, UWI and Bangor University, with an input from the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool and the National Trust - custodians of Penrhyn Castle, also the Henry George Foundation.

Recording link: https://youtu.be/OT4Zb9DTGEE


Coming up .....

15 - 3 - 24  Dr Kirk Henry - Jamaica Memory Bank


22 - 3 - 24  David Gleave - Historycal Roots


? Hazel V. Carby

Yale University professor emerita of American and African American studies Hazel V. Carby will join us as she has considered how one negotiates ancestral ties to two islands intimately entangled by empire, Britain and Jamaica. Her new book, Imperial Intimacies: A Tale of Two Islands, is her answer to that question.



Easter Break


12 04 24   Atinuka has agreed to join us to talk about her latest book:

Atinuka's latest book - via Bloomsbury agent Grace Ball


On 5 Feb 2024, at 9:55 pm, atinuke.co.uk wrote:

Dear Liz,

Thank you for your lovely email! It warmed my heart!

I’m looking forward to our conversation on the 12th. And I am very interested in the exchange visits you are organising to Nigeria. I would love to know more! 

The Ake Festival sounds great - I’ve always wanted to attend - and even had an invitation - but having kids at school in Wales has so far always got in the way!

Do send me more information.

Best wishes,


PS Much love to Tilly and the Ferny Creek Atinuke Fan Club 😆😆😆


April 19th (9am in NY and 2pm your time). 

Professor Celia Naylor - Africana Studies and History and Chair of the Africana Studies Department at Barnard College, Columbia University.

recording of the discussion after the talk you gave recently about ‘Unsilencing Slavery - Telling the truth about Rose Hial':



April 26th ?? Alan Lester

I am Professor of Historical Geography at the University of Sussex in the UK and Adjunct Professor of History at La Trobe University in Australia.

I have been researching, writing about and teaching the British Empire for over thirty years.

My aim is to bring the evidence-based and curiosity driven approach of academic historians to bear in what has become a politicised struggle over the legacies of the British Empire.


3/5/24  Lamesha and Joseph Farquason


We also plan to find out about Prof Robert Moore's North Wales regional Equality Network Project 


and possible ask Dr Richard Andrerson to speak about his Slave stories project


and well as inviting Dr Hilary Slack +  Kettering Link re: William and Mary Knibb


From Rose:

Dr Christine Checinska, V&A Senior Curator,(Africa and Diaspora, Fashion at the V&A) - Brish Jamaican: 

SUBJECT: The relationship between cloth, culture and race


Josephine Small, Coordinator, V&A

Was key participant in a ‘Black Joy’ day at the Museum. 

SUBJECT: ‘Claudia Jones’, Trinidadian activist and journalist 


Jacqueline Springer, Curator

SUBJECT: ‘Winifred Atwell’, jazz pianist, musician and entertainer 


Dr Michael McMillan, painter, writer, playwright - born to parents from St Vincent and the Grenadines

SUBJECT: ‘The West Indian Front Room’


Thomas J Price, sculptor

Responsible for the Mary Seacole sculpture by St Thomas Hospital and larger than life black woman sculpture outside the V&A

SUBJECT:  His life and work?

These are people whose work I know or whose talks I have been able to hear at events in the Museum. 


Dr Gus Casely-Hayford, Director of V&A East. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Dr Gus Casely-Hayford, OBE, Director of V&A East

Dr Casely-Hayford joined the V&A as Director of V&A East in March 2020. He is a curator and cultural historian who writes, lectures and broadcasts widely on culture, having presented a number of series for Sky, BBC radio and television and other channels. Formerly Executive Director of Arts Strategy, Arts Council England, (Britain’s major Art’s funder) and Ex-Director of the Institute of International Contemporary Art, he has offered leadership to both large and medium scale organizations including the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art. He has served on the boards of many cultural institutions, including the National Trust and the National Portrait Gallery. Gus has lectured widely on culture, including periods at Sotheby’s Institute, Goldsmiths, Birkbeck, City University, University of Westminster and SOAS. He has advised national and international bodies on heritage and culture including the United Nations and the Canadian, Dutch and Norwegian Arts Councils. In 2005 he deployed these leadership, curatorial, fundraising, communications skills to organize the biggest celebration of Africa Britain has ever hosted when more than 150 organizations put on over 1000 exhibitions and events.


Gus gained a PhD from SOAS and was awarded an Honorary Fellowship. He is a Cultural Fellow of King’s College London

Photo on Rose's email - 23 2 24


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