An Turas Mor..
30 September 2024

Speaker at our meeting of 30th September was club member Findlay McLaren - without doubt the adventurer of the club. This time his talk was about the challenge of tackling the first third of An Turas Mor, described as a ‘non-technical’ cycle ride through the wild heart of Scotland, which stretches 353 miles from Kelvingrove Museum to Cape Wrath in the far north. With 26,984ft of hills - and off-road using cycle tracks, old railway beds, forest tracks and mountain passes.

It all started with a ride from Pittenweem to Leven, then train to Glasgow and a short ride to Kelvingrove. A circuitous route including mudbaths and rain led to the first nights camp just short of Drymen. With wet tent and sleeping bag, having found the panniers were not sufficiently waterproof!

And then onwards for four more days via the Rob Roy Way, Aberfoyle, the Dukes Pass, Boulders and hidden streams, Strathyre, Lochearnhead, Killin, Glen Lochay, Brig O’Baiglie 

What we heard was a story of rain, mud, midges, headwinds, diversions, a collapsed bridge, poor route directions,  broken spokes, a worn out wheel rim, wet camping. And hills. And some sunshine. 135 miles  covered in 5 days; then Rannoch Station and a train home.

Findlay told us that he is now working on plans to return for a second stretch and with lessons learned about reducing the weight carried - and investing in some lower gears! 

Following questions an awestruck vote of thanks was proposed by Eric Govan. What an interesting talk - what a challenge and what an adventure.   

Club Golf..
20 September 2024


Friday 20th September saw Anstruther and East Neuk Rotary Club hold their annual golf competition at Anstruther Golf Club. This year six members took part and although all played excellent golf, there was only one winner. The match was won by Derek Mathie by two points. The picture shows Club treasurer (and previous club champion) John O’Neill presenting the trophy to Derek at the golf club after the game.
Following the game, all who played enjoyed a meal together before heading home.


Back to business..
02 September 2024

2nd September saw the Club re-start regular fortnightly meetings after Summer! Recess.

The club was out and about at the weekend at Anstruther Muster and this, together with two other Summer events, raised £540. Another £200 was donated to the club choir for performing during the Pittenweem Arts Festival and these monies will go towards the club’s support for charities and good causes.

Speaker at our meeting was Waid Academy 6th year student Charlie Hamilton. Charlie came to speak of his experiences at the RYLA (Rotary Young Leadership Award) which took place at the Abernethy Outdoor Centre at Nethy Bridge. The RYLA event is about leadership skill development and does this through a range of outdoor team events, including hill walking, rock climbing, raft building, gorge jumping and mountain biking.

Charlie was enthusiastic about the opportunities for team leading and felt he benefitted significantly in developing his abilities and his personal relationships.

We heard that Charlie wants to pursue a career in the Royal Navy and has secured a place at the Navy’s Dartmouth officer training establishment. He felt that skills developed at RYLA would be of great help to him.

The club was delighted to hear such positive feedback and, following questions, a warm vote of thanks was proposed by club member George Hunter. 





Summer Recess..
12 August 2024

Regular fortnightly meetings are paused over the summer, but social and other events still took place. A 'fish and chips' visit to Pittenweem fish market during the Arts festival was greatly enjoyed, as was a visit to Anstruther lifeboat station on the 12th August. And then at the end of August, the club was at the Anstruther Muster. The club choir has continued its rehearsals and also performed in Pittenweem church during the Arts Festival.

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