Club Meetings

The Covid-19 pandemic meant an immediate suspension of our normal club meetings. Although not at all the same, 'Zoom' enabled us to keep in touch and continue with some club projects.

Vaccination and consequent relaxation of regulations meant we were once again meeting in person - at first either outdoors or in large well-ventilated spaces. But now we once again meet at The Rockies restaurant.


with the exception of a Christmas / New Year break, we meet on Monday of each second week at 5:45 for 6:15pm.

The Rockies Restaurant, is located at Anstruther Golf Club, 2 Shore Road, Anstruther, KY10 3DZ (Tel 01333-313314

Click on the map, above and to the right, then use the + button to zoom in to see where we are.

Meetings are about fellowship, sharing a meal, conducting routine business and enjoying an after-dinner speaker.

Social gatherings vary but include informal open events as well as the traditional favourites of St. Andrew's night, Christmas dinner and Burns night.  

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