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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website. | ||
NEWS: New website is now old website, we're back on Spanglefish with no shopping cart!
HOLIDAY I made a mistake with the number of items in 8a. It should read 2 x Polar Bears not three
To navigate this site, choose the tab on the left that you require (ie 15mm The Ice Age) Press the tab and the page with Ice Age figures and pictures will appear. Select the figures etc that you require. Send me detail of what you want, the catalogue number, name of item and amount required and I will invoice you with the amount to pay and postage etc. Simple! Also, alternatively, if you want to just Email me a full list of what item you require, plus the price together with the amount of payment and postage, then pay the full amount and postage to my account at Pay Pal, to mickyarrowminiatures@yahoo.co.uk
Postage and Packing UK and BAOR 10% of order value or minimum of £3.00 postage ( Mail as of 1st Feb 2024 has risen to £3.00 minimum and may rise again soon)
EU- 30% of order value or minimum of £5.00 postage
USA-Rest of the world The price of postage to America has doubled in the past couple of years. I can not absorb this cost any more. So mail to America is now 30% of order value but a minimum postal rate of £10 If you have any problems then Email me at royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
The Ice Age,15mm Figure ranges Unitatherium 40 x 40mm base Mammoth 40x40mm base Age - 40,000 to 10,000BC and beyond into historicaL times 10,000 to 10.00 AD?
Inhabitants of Artic northern Europe, Russia, Siberia, Alaska Canada/USA and Greenland. can be used as summer and winter dressed tribes of the late Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and early Neolithic peoples
Yeti, Toxodon, Mesonyx wolf and Ancient armadillos, 40mm bases Bronotherium Rhino, Polar Bear, Mammoth, and Straight Tusk Elephant Inuit/Eskimo
Zebra and Thanis Large flightless terror bird Figures come in packs of 8 x infantry or 4 x Cavalry for £2.50 or as individually priced per figure or pack
Inuit 4 2 x Kayak (2 different crew) Iniut 5 Sledge, horse, dog, 3 crew Inuit 6 8 slingers x 8
£3.00 Inuit Shamen Warriors and Shamen STONE AGE PEOPLES, INUITS/AMERICAN INDIANS IN THE LATE ICE AGE Mammoth with 3 crew Stone Age people
Inuit 18 Early Horses & riders x 4
Mammoth with 1 crew Howdah & Mediterranean’ Dwarf Elephant & 1 rider
Inuit 33 European/Asian Stone Age foot com’ x 8
Inuit 40 Cave/grizzly bear in pit x 2 Inuit 41 Pygmy Mammoth x 1 Inuit 42 Pygmy Mammoth & 1 rider x 1
Inuit 44 Columbian Pygmy Mammoth x 1 Inuit 45 Pygmy Elephant x 1
Inuit 52 Large African Rhino and 2 riders x 1 £3.00
Megatherium and Cro Magnum's. Pyrotherium and Howdah on 40mm bases
Yeti and Bear Platybelodon Yeti and bear, Platybelodon elephant, Small Rhino and Sabre tooth cat on 40mm bases
Unitatherium, Elasmotherium and Large walking vultures. Phorushacos Terror birds on 40mm bases Inuit 79 European cave lion x 4
Inuit 85 Unicorn deer x 4 Inuit 86 Megalanio large lizard x 2
Megalamo Lizard, Glypton and Large Dinosaur Inuit 87 Large ocean going Papyrus boat with 4 paddlers and seated cow cargo £3.00 Inuit 88 Large ocean going Papyrus boat with 4 paddlers and 2 crew (raiding party?) £3.00 Inuit boat and 3 crew. Large ocean going Papyrus boats Inuit 89 Waterline Hippo x2 Inuit 90 Waterline Crocodile x 2 Inuit 91 Thanis Large flightless terror bird a 3 Inuit 92 Glypton Armoured type armadillo x 3 Inuit 93 Smilodon Sabre tooth cat x 2 Inuit 94 Waterline Crocodile and hippo heads only x 4 INUIT 95 Waterline Phobosuchus Giant Crocodile head x 3 INUIT 96 Indricotherium, Very large hornless Rhino x1
![]() INUIT 96 Indricotherium, Very large hornless Rhino x1
INUIT 97 Arsinoitherium, Large twin horn Rhino x1
![]() ![]() INUIT 95 Waterline Phobosuchus Giant Crocodile head x 3 and INUIT 97 Arsinoitherium, Large twin horn Rhino x1
INUIT 98 Bullockornis, Demon Duck of Doom. Large flightless bird x 4
![]() ![]() INUIT 99 Small Ancient Rodent like Killer Kangeroos x 4 Inuit 100 Large bipod attack dinosaur x 1 Inuit 101 From Inuit myth, Qupqugiaq x 1, a ten legged polar bear and a large head x 1 Inuit 101 From Inuit myth, Qupqugiaq, a10 legged polar bear, that renounced violence and trys to create a loved based society (you couldn't make these things up) and the 'head' (a very large grinning or scowling head ) from Inuit dream world Inuit 101 From Inuit myth, Qupqugiaq, and large head Inuit 102 Sledge and 3 team with cannon balls x 1 Inuit 103 Sledge and 3 team with light cannon and 2 crew x 1 Inuit 104 Water attack birds x 4
Inuit 105 nasty water creature x 2
Megalano Lizard, Glyton and Thanis terror bird. Also waterline Hippo and Crocodile
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