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Usui Reiki Training

Reiki 1 - Self Healing is taught over two days and costs £180. This includes your Manual, two CD's and your lunches. It is predominantly about self healing, altho' you will also be given the tools to work with family and friends. A minimum of a month should be left before attempting Reiki 2.

Reiki 2 - Practitioner Level is also two days with a follow up phone call a month later, for you to talk things over and ask questions. Cost is £180, including the Manual, a further 2 CD's and your lunches.
Many people stop here and a few go on to do:

Master Practitioner or Advanced Reiki Training (also known as  A.R.T.) again done over 2 days, cost £200. Your Manual, 2 more CD's and lunches are included.  A.R.T. allows you to do the Master Training without the teacher training, practice and attunement.  You should have been working with the energies, to A.R.T. level for at least a year before attempting the final Master Teacher Level. 

Master Teacher Even if you've decided to buy your teaching manuals, it is in the creation of your own, that you fully embrace and live what you've learnt. Master Teacher level may take from six months to a year (at one day a month) to complete, depending on your working experience, intuition and teaching ability. It will involve you working at home creating your own Teaching Manuals, and using these in 'mock teaching of a Reiki Master. Fear not - all will be well at the appropriate time for you. This will give you the appropriate tools to teach with confidence and compassion. Each monthly session costs £90 and includes your manual, lunch and a Guided Self Healing Session for your own development - 'Healer Heal Thyself.'

Sharing Training - If you would like to share your training of Reiki 1, 2 or A.R.T. with a friend, there is a reduction of £20 (per person) for each of these levels. This can be fun if you like working in company and will provide even more 'hands on' practice. Either way there will be practical work with a partner.  


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