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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
The latest in Major League Baseball!
26 March 2008
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My Batting Philosophy was a simply one but an effective one.
I was blessed with a good eye for the ball and therefore I became a good hitter.  I used to like nothing more than get a good pitch to hit and put it into play and away from players on the field. Of course, my approach to swinging the bat at a good pitch was not always agreeable with my manager, Bob Gray of the Hounslow Rangers, in London - U.K. - whose philosophy was to wait for the first strike before one was given the green light to swing at one's selected pitch. No way Jose! Yeah! Indeed, I agree there is nothing wrong with being selective at home plate but baseball is, in my view, a game where the hitters are meant to swing the bat in order to hit the ball. I am all for hitters swinging at the ball when it is in a strike zone - The STRIKE ZONE is that area over home plate, the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform trousers, and the lower level is a line at the space beneath the kneecap - The Strike Zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball-regardless of the count and I would encourage players at every opportunity to swing at a good pitch and try to make connection with the ball but if they are unable to do so they should, at least, make the pitcher aware of their intentions by looking at the direction in which the ball travelled to home plate after the swing has been executed. I think it is fair to say that if a batsman is not conscious of these things, he is at the pitcher's mercy. Nevertheless, a good batsman should have a fairly good idea which pitch he is most likely to hit and which pitch he has trouble with.


"Como amo la libertad, tengo sentimientos nobles y liberales, y si suelo ser severo, es solamente con aquellos que pretenden destruirnos".
Simon Bolivar
"Yo nada deseo en el mundo tanto como hacer a Venezuela todo el bien que dependa de mis facultades".
Simon Bolivar
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