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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Let's be honest with ourselves for we are all cut from the same cloth and we are all aware that the real world could be a harsh and hostile place to live if we stand and do nought for the environment.
28 January 2008
Human's foibles.
There is an apparent colossal weakness in people's understanding about environmental issues that could be detrimental to the future of the planet. Climate changes and global warming issues are the greatest threats that humanity has faced for some time and those threats we are all facing stem from our own doings and the dissonance among countries, regarding environmental issues, is rather worrying, to say the least. Nonetheless, it is most importantly that we do something about the environment and take personal responsibility for our actions otherwise the real world could become a very harsh and hostile place to live for us all. The need to act now has never been more important since we owe it to ourselves and future generations to prevent environment issues going into irreversible ailment. We will all be judged in the time to come and found guilty if we fail to do what is required to preserve the environment for future generations. Certainly, every one of us can do something about climate changes since every little thing that we do for the environment would help the objective of defeating the causes that are causing global warming since it is all what everyone does as an individual which finally will make a difference. It is high time to start doing your bit for the planet and its environment since claiming ignorance to the Earth's plight is an unsound reasoning and therefore no longer a valid excuse to do naught for the environment and its ill-health for circumstances that have prompted many recent environmental disasters, and which are all too common occurrence in the world we are all living right now, are owing to environmental issues. Absolutely, I care for the world, its environmentt and its social issues, and I think that it would be selfish if I were to say that those issues had nothing to do with me just simply because they do not affect me; on the contrary, I think we should always help when there is a problem in the world and give its misery a well-needed touch of guidance.
Head Coach
Figueras Baseball Academy
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