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There are many reasons for not dissipating one's existence in things of little importance and living with uncertainty is not the best way to make changes in one's life since no one will ever be able to grant one the power to manipulate time.
16 January 2008
Quite so, one only lives once and life is too short for anything else other than living and all that jazz! 
It is heart-warmingly to think that the bright side is the right side to look on and, indeed, it certainly is; however, as I wonder I cannot help thinking whether there is something very wrong in the world in which one lives. With the best intention in the world, I must declare that I take no delight in citing the painful dilemmas and the dysfunctional state of affairs in which the world finds itself today but at the same time I feel it is a hugely important subject that needs to be brought to the fore. Time stands still for no man and I would not be overstating things by saying that it is a huge mistake to waste time doing things that aren't important since one ought to use one's judicious enlightment whenever it is needed in order to keep those unimportant things from sucking away one's life. Indeed, in expending time on things that aren't important one is thoughtlessly failing to take advantage of the opportunities that life has to offer since time is very limited in the life of an individual, so much so that at times it seems that there is not enough of it to do all one wishes to do in a life time, and while the elixir of life remains an imaginary vision of a panacea  that can prolong one's existence on Earth, life will still be, until the day of that finding, too short to do much more than one can do at the present time. Indeed, my ability to take challenges in my stride has helped me experience a lot of magic and disappointments in my life and as I face an unfamiliar set of circumstances I cannot help but imagining that I know exactly how a story is going to turn out and if I want things to be different I still have the ability to arrange them to be so since there are only just a few possible story lines to a drama or novel an author can write even if it is a  tragedy or farce, perfect happiness or great unhapiness in the life or death of a character.  Go ahead and ask the questions you would like to ask me since life become easier to bear when one knows what is what. Quite so, it is all rather mysterious and probably complicated to conceive that someone has all the cards of erudition in matters of know-how and to acknowledge that is a task and a half. Nevertheless, knowing so much that one can never again be surprised by anything without swing to the other extreme is a good thing since it will aid one in one's quest for being popular with one's associates and enable one to gain more friends, fans and admirers. For better or worse the latter ought to be the course to follow in life since having a different equivalent of wishful thinking it will not put one at a more favourable position. Away from it all, one is the best judge of one's doings even though, on a different wavelength, the thought, it might appear to be more than one can handle. Still, it puts one at an equal liability with everyone else since one ought to be responsible for one's own affairs.  Having said that, the times when one most need to talk to someone are the times when it is most difficult to find someone to listen to one's problems since choosing the best person for that task is not an easy one and no one on that subject can nourish a different response to such a fact since structures that help make complicated process happen smoothly and simply cannot be put into practice with the mind alone since a river that makes a noise must have either water or stones. Nevertheless, with enormous enthusiasm the search for the Holy Grail goes on but it can only promise one so much while getting used to living with uncertainty is not the best way to make time for a much needed process to take place since no one will ever be able to grant one the power to manipulate time. Nevertheless, one can use the limited time one has in this life to fulfil one's ambitions by making and taking the opportunities that life, from time to time, unveils to one with both hands. Get a grip and make it so.
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