SpanglefishFigueras Baseball Academy 2006 | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Presenting a firm and united front against bullying
20 July 2007
"La educación literal y civil de la juventud es uno de los primeros y más paternales cuidados del Gobierno".
Simon Bolivar.
Plenty to mull over.
It is human to have imperfections but it is plain wrong to ignore social issues in the community since tensions on the social front would not resolve themselves without the need for changes. As good as things seem to be, certain obstacles remain that will need to be tackled head on sooner or later since the biggest cause of antisocial behaviour is the lack of quality time among parents and children which prevents, both parties, of developing important social skills. Tired, bored, confused and demotivated children wait for parents to arrive home from work where the priority is not family activities but tedious school assignments which allows not the time to nurture their social skills and personalities. Would it not be nice if children were to be allowed to mixing with people in the community through baseball and other sports in order to discover the value of other people so that they can develop a sense of who they are?
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