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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Poor old Jack was derranged!
13 January 2012

Sad old Jack was simply mad!

Sad Jack: "I am mad and so is the world in which I live"
Salty Vicky: "For goodness' sake Jack, what are you talking about?"
Sad Jack: "You've heard me! I am mad and so is the world in which I live"
Salty Vicky: "What has gone so badly in your life to prompt you to say such a thing?
Sad Jack: "Well, last night I had a dream and it revealed my innermost fears as I took a look at the gruesome image of the world's soul and its troubles"
Salty Vicky: "What are you fears Jack?"
Sad Jack: "I see my soul scantily clad in pain, grief and hunger"
Salty Vicky: "Pull yourself together Jack and find it within you to overcome your fears"
Sad Jack: (Jerking myself up) "But how can I conquer something that is beyond me, intangible and out of my sight?"
Salty Vicky: (In a hard metallic voice) "The augury is to be continually on the move without giving in to your spiritual framework otherwise your fears will eat your physical constitution"
Sad Jack:  (Jumping nervously to his feet he found himself laughing scornfully to a picture of himself) "Hell! Hell!  It is true, I am mad and so is world in which I live"
Salty Vicky: (Staggering to her feet she slapped Jack in the face) "Gather yourself together man" Her voice was high-pitched as she was an excitable woman and it struck a responsive chord in Jack's heart as he retreated to a corner. 
Sad Jack: (Submissively, as he was seen from the outside Jack appeared to be sane but in the inside his mind was edging towards the cliff of  mental derangement)  "Please don't hit me for I was blindfolded in my dream and all I could see was the innermost of evil spreading its rage like wildfire in my thoughts"
Salty Vicky: (Indeed, Jack's mind was in the arms of insanity and psychiatric help was his only hope of getting well again since Jack was really, really mad and so was the world in which he lived) "Poor Jack" 
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