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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
A very tall tale!
02 January 2012

The car accident that prematurely caused the demise of a man!

One ought not to appoint oneself as a judge of a game which is alien to one's nature, just because it resembles an open-air game played on a large grass field with bat and ball between teams of eleven players in the United Kingdom; with that in mind,God forbid that the know-it-all might admit he has got it all wrong. The intrinsic natural of this issue should have  been high-mindedness which might have attested to his probity and ethics. However, his refusal to accept his error continues to this day as he is determined to play the role of a wounded hare being chased by the hounds of his inner voice which have picked up the scent of his deceitfulness and whereabouts in a large barn crammed with bales of fresh mown hay. At times, it is necessary to caption the obvious as one experiences the highs and lows of emotion in one's life and there are many words that might define one's eccentricities, temperament and mien - lonely and miserable are two of them - but he was not, in any shape or form, favourably disposed towards the road of fairness. Albeit, I cannot assert that I am an excellent judge of character I often see similarities where many see dissimilarities;having said that I hate making a song and dance about it. The realm of his deception was built in a throne of lies which in the end brought his empyrean to the ground. He jumped out of the balcony and began to talk in a incoherent speech and at length about hidden depths and all the rest. He was exhilarated with emotion as he clapped his hands with vehemence as if he had been prodded by divine inspiration;unmindful of his overexcited reaction and seemingly suffering from dementia, he ran into the road where he was accidentally knocked down by a car driven by a learner . Alcohol was the stroke of grace which precipitated his demise as it divested him of his ability to think straight before he foolishly ran into the road to be killed by a car.


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