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Boris is a champion and it is said by all of us!
15 January 2009
My enlightened opinion about Boris J. The London Mayor!


Boris has always been a hard working and intelligent young man with an enormous appetite for politics and also very capable of picking and fighting his own battles wisely. His aim was to become Mayor of London so his mate David helped him in his quest by thrusting him into the limelight with a numbers of tips which Boris used to his advantage. Indeed, he played the fool several times and was probably laughed at by many in different occasions and he even might have been seen as a jester rather than a serious politician but that idea bore little relation to the real Boris for his imagination and intellectual ambitions were always filled with inventiveness and creation. Certainly, there was so much he could have got steamed about but was it worth it. Perchance not. Nevertheless, the young man did exceptionally well and his hard work paid off as he became in 2008 Mayor of London when he pipped Red Ken at the post in a close match of cogency. So there you have it; hard work and endeavour paid off in the end but I was not entirely surprised by Boris achievement since I tipped him for a golden future as the head of the municipality of London even before he was elected to office as I thought him to be an honest man whose only interest in being London Mayor was that of helping those who needed to be helped and again I am not in the least surprised that he has won some many friends in his short stay in office since his quest to make London the capital of the world is supported by most Londoners and those who have made London their city. Indeed, courage is the ultimate weapon and I believe that Boris has it and that is the fundamental reason for my being behind the choice that the London electorate made at the ballot in 2008 when they elected Boris to be their Mayor for I believe him to be the right man to take London to the next level and conquer all that that needs to be conquered. I can assure you he will not sell any old irons to meet the aspirations of the citizens of London in these difficult times for he is an intelligent man and I cannot think that his aim is away from the lifting of the economical gloom which is besetting the capital today. I would like to ask the Londoners to refocus on battle as we all together can defeat this economic adversity and homed it in a doss house in the past so that prosperity comes back to his favourite dwellings.
P. Figueras
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