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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
It has been predicted that London might be set to bear the brunt of a period of economic decline in 2009!
18 November 2008
In the order of things today is all about not repeating the mistakes of the past.

The Chancellor of Exchequer is putting himself out to amuse those who seem to be not amused by the prospect of a very unpleasant Christmas. He tells us to have faith in his effort to curb inflation and all that jazz but the CBI business group is warning us that the recession will be worse than we previously thought. It has been predicted that the recession will run for almost all of 2009 with growth experiencing the worse owing to dramatic fall in confidence and business enterprise in the awake of financial disquietude in the market. It has been said that London might be set to bear the brunt of the recession as the wrath of the storm heads our way. The need to buck up our ideas has never been more important since we need to show a fighting spirit in the face of the predictable this Christmas. Keep track of your expenditure and be wise with your pennies for it is all about not repeating the mistakes of the past.
P. Figueras
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