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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
It is my birthday and I know it all and speak what I know since Achilles’’ weak spot was not his heel but his heart which was hurt when Hector planted his sword in the chest of his dearest friend Patroclus!
03 November 2008
The cup that cheers also inebriate at the cut back of long hopes!

Jerking myself up as I jumped to my feet with a groan of despair I forced  myself to laugh in my agony while cursing not loud but deep at the morn. It is Monday morning and the weekend lies now in the dust of time that flew away without recall while doing everything in excess and abandon. It is over and I am lying in ruins, errant with confusing signs of a hangover as a result of drink too much red wine the night before last and last night. I am broke while another eternity of routine beckons before pay-day. As weighty beginnings and great promises stretch ahead at the start of new week my dreams of becoming a wealthy man by the age of thirty are pining away in front of my eyes at the loss of belief. Anyhow, it was all in vain for they were out of my reach, nevertheless, nothing has been said that has not been said before as it is a probably impossibility in a world that has no parity and, as far as I am concerned, making it to the top without the support of those who have been blessed with intellectual ambitions is purely fantasy. I fixed my thoughts on landing a job in Boris new administration when the eye of expectation deceived my mind as my forlorn hopes fell at the first hurdle in full view of my pursuing of betterment. Still, it is not a secret that I am not well enough off as I walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern since a word to the wise is often intended to hasten and aid any man with intellectual ambitions for he knows what to do and therefore needn't to be told twice.
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