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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
A cloudburst swept boldly down over Shea Stadium last night as the Bucs ran off with the spoils in the top of the ninth!
12 August 2008
 The Pittsburgh Pirates  7   New York Mets   5

An unintelligent disembodied soul with no knowledge of the time to come, mortals' quirks and baseball's hidden surprises might have reasonably concluded that this game was safe and in the bag for the Mets as Pedro Martinez controlled the match in the way that it was expected of him.  However, it was all a lapse into pure speculation since once Pedro had left the mound the bullpen was not able to close the game and in the top of the ninth inning the buccaneers, in a determined mood, were allowed to go beyond the edge of the swamp. Their push somehow buoyed them up in the water as they came hurling through the Mets' defence which was fully exposed to the mitigation of the wear and tear of the wind, rain and, lastly, to the torment of the Bucs' artillery which in turn turned the whole course of the match in favour of the freebooters. Final score:  Pirates  7  Mets  5
P. Figueras
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