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          The Church receives no money for everyday expenses from the Government or the Diocese. It is entirely dependant on the goodness of God and the generosity of parishioners.

For a summary of our income and expenditure please click here.

A heartfelt thank you to those who give so generously now.

            The 6 ancient and beautiful buildings that grace our villages need to be heated, lit, insured and maintained out of Parish funds. When repairs are needed to keep the church buildings looking good and safe and sound, they tend to be expensive because specialised work and materials are needed.
The 'Friends' of each church help enormously by, collecting money for repairs and upkeep. The running of the Parish is funded almost completely by regular giving and other donations to the Parish of Crook Peak.
How Can You Help ?

 1.         You could make a one off donation. GIVE NOW

         or simply put in it in the collection at any regular service           (in Compton Bishop you can make a contactless 
         payment) or give to any Churchwarden. Gift Aid reclaims
         are now made without the need for any details. You give
         us £1 and we get £1.25.
2.         You could make a regular gift. This is the very best way you can help us, because it enables us to plan our finances.   Giving can be by weekly envelopes, which can be found in a pew or by Standing Order or click here to use a card GIVE NOW
3          You could include the Parish of Crook Peak in your will. You can make this most effective by leaving this as a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed sum. 
4          You can support your village church “Friends” organisation. The Friends raise money to assist with repairs and improvements of the building in your village.
Whilst the amount that you can give will depend on your circumstances, our giving is a response to the generous love of God, who loved the world so much that he gave his only Son to die for us.
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