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Updated April 2024


"Down a quiet cul-de-sac a short walk from the centre of Wollaton village lies Wollaton's hidden gem, the 16th century Dovecote where you will step into a remarkable building and back into Wollaton history. This is one of the main attractions in Wollaton but remains little known".

We have created a separate website for the Dovecote Museum which includes more local history information and sets the scene for the time in history when Wollaton Village Dovecote was built 

please use this link: http://www.spanglefish.com/wollatonvillagedovecotemuseum







Open from 2pm - 4.30pm on the following dates

Sunday 12th May: Grand Opening by Steven Russell and
Graham Lawson of the Almost Airbourne Living History Group with free drinks. There will be a guided walk around the Village and Church at 3.15pm

 Sunday 9th June: Meet Graham and Steve and the Airbourne

Saturday 6th July: Traditional games on the lawn. There will be a guided walk around the Village and Church at 3.15pm

Sunday 7th July: Traditional games on the lawn. There will be a guided walk around the Village and Church at 3.15pm

Sunday 14th July: Enjoy the garden and partake in a fun
garden quiz. There will be a guided walk around the Village and Church at 3.15pm

Sunday 11th: August Traditional games on the lawn

Sunday 8th September: Heritage Open Day - meet Graham and Steve and the Airbourne

Sunday 9th November: Remembrance Sunday - Meet Graham and Steve and the Airbourne

Displays include the story of the 508th American Airbourne at Wollaton Park,  the Tudor Room, Wollaton Canal, and a recreated Parlour and Scullery circa early 1900s.


Also avalable:

  • Details of recent research projects are available for perusal, including.
  • Details of those who lived in the Wollaton area who served in the first world war.
  • Comprehensive data relating to burials at the St Leonard's Church cemetry and the newer cemetry on Bramcote Lane.
  • Many years of the Russell School, with photographs.
  • Results of research in the delopment of Parkside.
  • Transcriptions of Census records. 


Meeting old friends:









Please note there are no toilets at the dovecote, but facilities are available nearby.

We are pleased to welcome group visits at other times. Enquiries via the feedback page, please. 




A holly blue butterfly on one of the holly bushes


The Dovecote Museum garden first received a prestigious Green Flag award in 2019 recognising the achievement of a national standard for parks and green spaces and has continued to do so every year.


The Britain in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood scheme awarded the garden Level 4 assessment "Thriving".

Admission is free - donations welcome

The museum receives no funding and relies entirely on visitor donations.

Thank you for your support


The Dovecote circa 1950

Individual group visits can also be arranged.


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