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10 April 2010
David Pidgeon

Below is a report from our Chairman, David Pidgeon


 Hello everyone, firstly belated congratulations to Mick for putting together our excellent web site. I hope many members-and possibly future members will find it helpful and informative.

At V.R.A. we are proud of the standard of the individual plots, and the appearance of the site as a whole. This has been built up over a long time - and certainly for many years before I became Chairman in January.

I and the current committee are conscious of the hard work and comittment of those that came before us. We do our upmost to keep up this good work and tradition. Of course this is not a job for the committee alone but for all members.

I also think that it is very important that everyone feels that our society is an open and friendly one, and our our site is somewhere where we can relax and enjoy ourselves - despite the hard work which is an inescapable part of the enjoyment. Hopefully everyone will find a warm welcome and feel they are able to ask for advice if they need it.

I have had a plot here for 11 years and it`s always been a marvel to me how so many people are able to strike that nice balance between being friendly and helpful, while stopping short of interfering ! Long may it continue.

Please keep up to date with developments and news by visiting this web site and by keeping an eye on the gate entrances and on the notice board at the container. We can only succeed as a society if everyone gets involved. It`s our society.

I`ll sign off now in the hope that everyone can enjoy the vast improvement in the weather. After the winter just gone we are surely due a warm and productive summers gardening.

Best wishes

David Pidgeon.



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