The organisation shall be called the Vale Road Allotment Society, hereafter referred to in this document as VRAS.
VRAS shall be a non-profit making organisation, the purpose of which is
to manage, administer and use the allotments located between Edward Road and Vale Road in Haywards Heath under licence from Haywards Heath Town Council;
to encourage local interest in allotment gardening.
There shall be rules governing the use of allotment plots and other aspects of the site, designed for all plot holders to enjoy the allotments in safety, good neighbourliness and security.
VRAS shall present annually an audited financial report.
The affairs of VRAS shall be managed by a committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee, of three officers and a minimum of five other members. The officers shall consist of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. All members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). If the number of candidates for election exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, there shall be a ballot with all those present at the AGM being entitled to vote. All posts can be held for a maximum term of three years without re-election. If a casual vacancy arises the Committee may co-opt a replacement member until the next AGM.
The Committee shall meet at least four times each year at a time and venue mutually agreed. The Chairman or in his absence a member elected by those present shall preside. Five members personally present shall form a quorum. Voting shall be by a show of hands; should there be no simple majority, the person presiding shall have a second and casting vote.
If a quorum cannot be formed, the Committee may reach decisions provided these are ratified in writing to the Chairman by a majority of the Committee members within 2 weeks of the meeting.
Committee meeting minutes shall be circulated to plot holders by email.
The AGM shall be convened at a suitable venue during January each year, with all plot holders being notified, by post or email, at least 3 weeks in advance.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held if requested in writing to the Committee by a majority of plot holders.
Changes to the VRAS constitution and rules shall be made only at the AGM.
Membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
Members shall be expected to abide by the rules. Failure to do so may lead to membership being withdrawn.
New members shall pay a joining fee in addition to their annual subscription.
Subscriptions shall be as agreed at the AGM by a simple majority.
For the purpose of managing VRAS, the Committee shall collect, use and store plot holders’ contact details using generally accepted standards of technology & operational security. General emails (those to all plot holders) will be sent as blind copies. Personal data will not be sold or shared with any third parties.
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed in writing to any officer of VRAS by any plot holder, giving at least 21 days’ notice prior to the AGM.