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Penarth / Port Royal

The link here is between two communities with interesting histories and a shared passion for pirates!

Author and expert of the stories of Welsh Pirates and Welsh History, and resident of Penarth, Terry Breverton, will be taking a lead on this project and his is working closely with the Director of the Museum of Jamaica, Jonathon Greenland, who lives in Jamaica but is also from Penarth!

Terry Breverton's numerous publications include a detailed acount of the life and times of Welshman, Admiral Sir Henry Morgan, who hailed from Llanrumney, East of Cardiff, and who made Port Royal in Jamaica his main base: 

"The Henry Morgan of legend and song portrays him as a brutal and sadistic criminal, who indiscriminately pillaged and sacked ships that stood between him and greater glory. The facts are often obscured by a seventeenth-century book on buccaneers that not only served as source material for later biographies, but was also the subject of the first recorded successful libel suit in 1684, brought by Morgan himself.

Admiral Sir Henry Morgan organized and led a dozen successful campaigns against the greatest military power in the world, Spain, in service to the British Crown. This biography covers Morgan's life as a superb military tactician and strategist, debunking the myth of his overzealous cruelty. For his leadership in battle and as lieutenant governor of Jamaica, Admiral Sir Henry Morgan deserves to take his place alongside Sir Francis Drake and the Duke of Wellington in the panoply of history's greatest heroes."

From the back cover of "Admiral Sir Henry Morgan", author Terry Breverton, published by Glyndwr Publishing and available as an ebook.

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